From The Mana World
< User:Frost
Revision as of 02:02, 6 February 2012 by Frost (talk | contribs)

Map location 021-1 Tulimshar
NPC Name Heathin
Prerequisites The Terranite Armor
Ingredients 1 Terranite Ore, 5 Coal
Cost 3000 GP
Result None

What To Do:

Go to Tulimshar in the beginning of the game. Head North until you see Inac. Enter the house and talk to Heathin next to Jhedia.


  • These arrows give +50 Damage and +10 Critical. They're the best and most expensive arrows in the game.

Coals are dropped by:

  • Terranite (6%)
  • Moggun (5%)

Terranite Ores are dropped by:

  • Terranite (5%)