From The Mana World
Revision as of 19:19, 30 April 2011 by Frost (talk | contribs) (Added tip for making the potion cheaply.)
Quest Overview
Starting Location 018-2 North of Hurnscald
Level 35
Prerequisites None
Redoable No, only once

Important Note:

  • This potion is used to unfocus a Skill. Bring it to Luca and ask him to unfocus. You will then be able to focus on the same or on another Skill.

What To Do:

  1. Go to the north of Hurnscald and enter the mining camp. Inside, you will see Caul.
  2. Ask him about the Dementia Potion. He will teach you how to make a Dementia Potion.
  3. You will know but it is a balanced potion between life and death. Thus the need of Roots, Mauve Herbs and Lifestones for the life side and Diseased Heart, Bones, Skulls and Undead Ears for the death side.
  4. You will also need a Bone, a Bottle of Water and a Lifestone in that order to start the potion and 1 Pearl to end it.

The Making:

  1. First, Caul will take you your 3 items and will start the potion making. He will then tell you the color of the potion.
  2. As you can understand, this potion needs to be between life and death. The color that indicates this moment is Calm Grey.
  3. To get to this color, you will need to add some items in the potion.
    1. On one hand, if the color is bright, you will need to put dark, evil items such as Bones, Skulls, etc... listed below.
    2. On another hand, if the color is dark, you will need to lighten it with good items such as Roots, etc... listed below.
  4. Every item added can make the potion explode. The closer potion comes to calm grey, the more unlikely is this.

This table shows the strength of each item. When it has a "+" in front of it, this means it adds life, if it is a "-", it adds death. You will need to get to 0 to get to the calm grey color. When you'll get there, put the Pearl in and you'll be done!

Item used Power
Root +9
Lifestone +3
Mauve Herb +1
Bone -3
Skull -9
Undead Ear -15
Diseased Heart -35


  • You can put in the pearl at any time. The closer you are to calm grey, the lower is the probability of the potion to explode.
  • Lifestones are cheaper and easier to get than undead things. A simple trick is to start the potion, and if it starts black, add lifestones until it turns calm grey then add the pearl. If it starts white, just cancel (no pearl) and try again.


  • 1 Dementia Potion

Total Cost:

You will need at least these 3 to start the potion.

  • 1 Bone
  • 1 Bottle of Water
  • 1 Lifestone

You will need this item to end the potion when it will be calm grey.

  • 1 Pearl

Each of these following items are used in a random amount.

  • Roots
  • Mauve Herbs
  • Lifestones
  • Diseased Hearts
  • Bones
  • Skulls
  • Undead Ears