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< User talk:Wombat
Revision as of 23:32, 9 April 2011 by Wombat (talk | contribs) (response to o11c)
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Suggested changes

  • The first couple of lines use #HOME instead of $HOME. Also, let the user's shell replace ~ with $HOME for you.
  • 2: Not all terminals start in ~, e.g. mine start in ~/Documents
  • 9: make tools is not necessary for the usage listed here
  • 12-14: I recommend relative symlinks: ln -s ../eathena/*-server .
  • 16-18,20:
    • Also, if people interpret this as "delete the *.example file", it will mess up git (Note: Perhaps a better practice would be to have the actual _local files tracked in git, and have people just make a local commit with their changes).
    • Also, you are missing some files, try: for F in *.example; do cp $F ${F/.example/}; done
    • You should include setting up ladmin (change login_ip to and login_port to 6901, change admin_pass to whatever is in login_local.conf (default: p1)
    • 16: char_ip should be the external IP
    • 18: map_ip should be the external IP
    • 19: use the script from within that directory
  • 29-30: --server localhost --port 6901
  • 33-34: stress that if you edit the GM accounts file BEFORE creating your account, it will get a different ID. Also, the preferred way of adding GMs is via ladmin.
  • 31-34 via ladmin: add o11c M password <enter> gm o11c 99 <enter> exit <enter>
  • tmwcon 3-4: again, relative symlinks are more durable.
Feel free to make the intelligent suggestions to this wiki entry. After your additions, this can be moved to a real page. Working title is "TMW-eA Development Start Up" or stick with the current one. I haven't decided and am open to suggestion on a better name. Wombat 01:32, 10 April 2011 (CEST)