From The Mana World
Revision as of 07:13, 6 December 2010 by Alige (talk | contribs)
Quest Overview
Starting Location Hurnscald
Level 40+
Prerequisites None
Redoable Yes, forever


  • To get to the blacksmith, head south of the tree in the center of Hurnscald, then head east. It is the third shop nearest the corner.
  • Yellow Slimes are found north of Hurnscald. Head north from the town, all the way, directly into the mine. Beware of fire-skulls and poison-skulls.
  • Spiders can be found in the same mine. You need to turn right when in the mine, and head along the path. You will see a way to walk into the next section, so you can head south. Spiders are down there on the western side. Be careful of all the red slimes on the way.
  • Mogguns can be found in a cave near Hurnscald. Head west on the stone path from town. At the first fork (at a farm with many trees), go north. Continue north until the path forks again. Take the west fork and follow the path to a set of caves, one higher and one lower. Enter the lower cave and walk through until you see white sheep-like Mogguns. Be careful; all the Mogguns will attack as soon as you hit one.
  • Get Iron Ingots from Jhedia in a house just north and west of the Tulimshar town center. Ingots cost 10 Coal, 5 Iron Ore, and 1,000 GP each.
  • Get the Leather Patch from Pachua. He will make it only after Nicholas tells you about it.

Infantry Helmets are dropped by:

  • Spiders (0.2%)

Iron Ores are dropped by:

  • Yellow Slimes (4.5%)

Coal are dropped by:

  • Mogguns (5%)
  • Terranite (6%)


  • 20,000 XP each time you buy a Steel Shield.
Nicholas's Products -
Helmets Resources Cost
Knight’s Helmet (+15 Defense) 3 Iron Ingots
6 Coal
10,000 GP
Crusader Helmet (+18 Defense) 6 Iron Ingots
12 Coal
10,000 GP
Warlord Helmet (+18 Defense) 9 Iron Ingots
18 Coal
10,000 GP
Shields Resources Cost
Steel Shield (+20 Defense) 2 Infantry Helmets
6 Iron Ingots
1 Leather Patch
12 Coal
20,000 GP
(receive XP bonus)
Weapons Resources Cost
Setzer (+110 Damage, 1 Range) Monster Oil (See #Setzer Quest)
3 Iron Ingots
6 Coal
1 Short Sword
50,000 GP
Chest Armor Resources Cost
Chain Mail (+20 Defense) 10 Coal
5 Iron Ingots
20,000 GP
Light Plate (+25 Defense) 20 Coal
10 Iron Ingots
50,000 GP
Warlord Plate (+27 Defense) 30 Coal
15 Iron Ingots
100,000 GP