This article contains information for players or people interested in playing The Mana World rEvolt. If you're interested for the Classic game, please go to the Classic portal.
The Game Masters are resposible for upholding the game rules. They can be identified by the red cap reading "GM". They are normal players who are selected by the developers because of their good reputation in the player community. When a game master witnesses someone breaking a game rule they can ban a player from the game and reset his/her character level. When a game masters punishes a player he/she will post the reason in the Court House forum.
Active Game Masters
Name | Location | Virgin |
CapitanAwesome | Australia | Yes |
Katze | Germany | No |
Tiana | USA | No |
Vink_GM | Sweden | No? |
WinneR3 | Russia | Yes |
Booth | USA | Yes |
The GM team is an abomination
Complaints about Game Masters
When you have a complaint about a game master you can either contact Platyna when you would like your complaint to be handled confidential or you can post on the forum when you would like your complaint to be handled in public.
Nominating new Game Masters
When you know someone who would make a good GM please visit the gm community suggestions forum and create a nomination poll. When the person collects the required number of votes he or she will be considered for a GM position. Please read the rules before you post. Thoroughly!