From The Mana World
< User:Exceptionfault
Revision as of 17:37, 11 September 2009 by Exceptionfault (talk | contribs) (→‎Todo: finished ncps and map warps)

TMW Encyclopedia

I've started a small project based on tmwweb (aka Account Manager) called TMWEncyclopedia. It's intention is to provide a mostly dynamically generated encyclopedia of all known maps, monsters, items and npcs.

You can have a look at an early preview under Just click on "items" in the navigation pane, search for a common icon like "Bug Leg" and click on its name. Welcome to the Encyclopedia!

TMWE consists of two components. The data gathering module and the data visualization module.

Data gathering

The data currently available in the encyclopedia comes from the following files:

  • tmwserv-data\items.xml
  • tmwdata\monsters.xml
  • tmwdata\maps\*.tmx

To have a faster access to this data, the files get scanned by a ruby script and stored in a relational sqlite database. This ruby script has to be executed whenever the base data has changed, e.g. if new items were added.

Find the code of the ruby script here via git

Data visualization

The frontend of the encyclopedia will be tightly integrated in the Account Manager. Its an optional extension which could be enabled in the configuration files.


  • Show warps between maps
    • Data gathering and storage
    • Frontend / Visualization
  • Show NPCs on maps
    • Data gathering and storage
    • Frontend / Visualization
  • Show more informations on items
    • Data gathering and storage
    • Frontend / Visualization
  • Show more informations on monsters
    • Data gathering and storage
    • Frontend / Visualization
  • Create mechanism to be able to extend the dynamic content with manual written informations