From The Mana World
Revision as of 13:58, 24 September 2009 by Jduran (talk | contribs)

Regarding the installation of Cygwin: Downloading and Installing all the stuff from the "Devel" package takes quite long. I am sure most of the stuff in there is definitely not required (Mercurial? Subversion bindings for Ruby? Prolog Interpreter??) but I am not sure which components really are required. Maybe someone who is more familiar with the GNU Toolchain and the eAthena dependencies can identify the needed components? --Crush 00:32, 12 March 2009 (UTC)

I also would recommend downloading notepad++ because the default windows notepad isn't the best text editor. This helps with fixing problems and doesn't wrap in hard to read ways. This isn't a necessary step, but it does help.Wombat 17:55, 12 July 2009 (UTC)

Can someone help me

I dont get where to save eAthena its hard and i dont get it and I wanna have my own server PLEASE HELP!

Whenever I type any of the things it tells me too:5.Browse to the directory where you would like to have eAthena. When you want it in c:/tmw, for example, the command would be cd /cygdrive/c/tmw/ (directory must exist. when it does not you can create it with mkdir /cygdrive/c/tmw/) all it says is "No such file or directory" what do I do please help me :(

Windows Support I recommend you go there or to #themanaworld IRC chat to get help on setting up a server. Wombat 17:09, 18 July 2009 (UTC)

I did that bit but now when I do the git clone git://blah blah blah, it says bash: gitclone: command not found, I'm sorry to be a pain but i REALLY wanna create my own server.

Note the space between git and clone. — Jaxad0127 02:13, 21 July 2009 (UTC)

So there should or shouldnt be a space (I do a space)

Your error message shows no space. You should have a space:
git clone blah
Jaxad0127 18:57, 21 July 2009 (UTC)

heres what it comes out with:

bash: git: command not found

Did you install git when you installed cygwin? If not, install it through cygwin's mechanism. — Jaxad0127 15:38, 22 July 2009 (UTC)

make does not create the .exe files i need

not really sure what's going on here. here is what i get: