Monster Sprites
Log Head
Due to the efforts of Saphy and Len to improve Crush's already amazing Woodland set, Rotonen suggested that the Log Head monster be remade to match the changes. I've remade the Log Head to include two different attack animations, including an acorn spit and the classic root whip.
Finished Set: Forum Thread
The Skeleton base sprite sheet is a monster sprite that conforms semi-flush to the Male player base sheet. This allows for easier developement of variations in the skeleton mobs and equipment sharing between both sheets. The skull for the skeleton is borrowed from Modanung's skull monster sheet, and is exactly 1 pixel more narrow on three sides than the Male Player base sheet, so some helmets will require the artist to make modifications to the helmet before piecing together a variation.
With TMWServ it should be possible to create variations in the same fashion as the player sheets by simply layering sprite sheets within the client itself.
I propose 3 skeleton monsters that will be created from this sheet and additional variations made further from those. (See proposed variants underneath each)
- Skeleton Fighter (Cooresponds to hand to hand player base)
- Skeleton Stalker (More slouching/clawing version)
- Skeleton Swordsman
- Undead Pirate
- Skeleton Hero
- Skeleton Warrior
- Skeleton Archer
- Skeleton Assasin
The squirrel is intended to be a low level monster in line with the maggot for new players, and
mainly for ambience in the forest. It's my proposal that these usurp the current location of the
Scorpions in the Woodland area.
Finished Set: Forum Thread
Finished Set: Forum Thread
Work in progress
These are some of the sprites I'm working on right now or tentatively working on.
Progress: Movements and standing animations complete Changes roadmap:
- Add ground glow effect and fairy dust trail.
- Add attack animation (these will actually be HP restoring attacks).
- Add death animations (It's been requested that it look like a firecracker pop).
Work in Progress Set: Forum Thread
Ghost (Generic)
A generic ghost sprite with multiple dye channels
Dye Channels: R|C|W
A recolorable snail using several different dye channels. This piece is intended to be used on the tutorial island beach.
Dye Channels: R|G|C|Y|W
Snake Lord
This is a project for Kage_Jittai. This is a half human-half snake boss.
In Planning / Rough Start
What is a 2D RPG without some chikens? Exactly!
Crows are needed for outdoor undead maps and cemetery maps, as well as haunted forests.
This can be the beach equivelent of the bat mob (different drops of course! LOL)
I'm working on a Frog for forests and swamps. I will also make a stationary variation for ambient
usage in animated map tiles.
The development of this will be dependent on the skeleton's development.
Potted Flowers (Boss Flower)
Spider Boss
It's huge, deadly, and still just a base framework!
Bone Daddy (Skeletal Chimera)
This will be a combination of many human bones and very tough.
Cactus Monster
Desert equivelent of the log head.
There shouldn't be scorpions on the beach! Crabs should take their place!
Maw Bark
She's what the logheads used to be part of befor Jack liberated them from their mother's branches... still a concept...
Rotted Log
Rotted undead version of the log monster. Some mysterious creature has made the empty log it's
home! I will likely redo this with a larger member of the Log Head (such as using whatever log
head boss/tree that will come next as a base for this undead version).