From The Mana World
Hi there I'm also known as DivineWerezwolf
This page is dedicated to my concept art and coming ideas please use the Discusion tab to talk about my idears
Concept Art
AOE (AreaOfEffect) set
The are particle concepts designed for a healing spell on self and anyone in the radius will be healed to
(in creation)
This will be for 2h weapons there is no element associated with this move its just a simple attack for multiple monsters
- Freeyorp (1. Regarding outlines, I feel that this post for a possible outline policy for different types of objects seems to fit my impression on the TMW style quite well; I like the definite examples on where it is appropriate to use outlines and what type to use, and I feel it would be appropriate to have them here; what does everyone else think of this? 2. The link following "Blood: May only be used if it spice up certain environments that needs to be extra creepy" should, I think, be a comparison of an example where blood is acceptable, and an example where it isn't, as opposed to the rather brusque "We do not draw blood." The new zombie sprite could be used for that. 3. Currently, the proposed guidelines only refer to the forums as a place to post unfinished pixel art; I think this could be better reworded to say that WIP's can be posted on the forums, to avoid misinterpretation that it is for abandoned projects only. 4. A similar rewording would be helpful for "Use pure black (#000) for the ceilings" to "Use pure black (#000) for 'here is nothing' indoor or cave areas")