(The complete, immutable story of the mana world, from 2004 until now. May contain imprecisions.) |
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This article is currently only a proposal
The features or design guidelines described in this article are only a proposal made by one or some persons. It has not been evaluated or accepted by the core development team yet. Feel free to add your personal opinion about them or make counter proposals.
The Rewrite is how came be to be known a time-spatial, multi-dimensional mana cataclysm, which causes the history to rewrite itself in order to accommodate important changes in the plane of mana.
It affects all beings in existence, including the very fabric of reality itself; Being able to modify both cause and effects of the events currently known. It is a paradox on itself; Creating causes for the effects which were originally caused by itself.
Each time a Rewrite happens, it have to take in account the effects and causes from the previous rewrite itself. As such, the rewrites not only try to hide their very existence, but every successive rewrite exposes secrets which a prior rewrite previously hide.
The First Rewrite
The First Rewrite exact causes are still unknown. As far as old legends goes, the time between the original existence and first rewrite comprehend an era of existence of several great dragons, their fight and reduction to only eight elements, and the birth of humanity; A race of only one specimen, which looked closely to how Talpans look now.
This humanity was used as pawns in the fight between the great dragons. What caused the first rewrite is still unknown (as said previously).
The objective from their fight, is the domain of the Mana Source; But only its existence is known during the next few rewrites, and even so, with omissions. Being in the mana plane itself, the Mana Seed, along the Ether Elements, are immune to the rewrite effects, but this means nothing, as they are also devoid of conscience or free will. (Ether Elements are also connected to the Great Dragons)
The period until the first rewrite corresponds to 2004~2006 in real time.
The Second Rewrite
The second era, having started close to 2007, corresponds to a great catastrophe, times of great struggles to "humanity". Having been forcefully divided in four species/races, with the Talpan race being the most predominant; What once used to be eight elements, was reduced to four elements, with the original other four (namely: Metal, Plant, Lightning and Ice) being reduced to subelements, combinations.
The Great Dragons Race was reduced to only four; Which were known at that time by different names. Whatever caused the First Rewrite also put the four last Great Dragons to a semi-eternal sleep; And destroyed a town, which persistently through the rewrites, was known as Keshlam.
The existence of this town (Keshlam), and its destruction by mana - be it in a mana war, a mana quake, or even a mana explosion - remains persistent through every rewrite. This is something we call a Fixed Event in the time-continuum.
The four great dragons awake sometime close to the end of this era, which is associated with the third rewrite.
This era, from the first to the second rewrite, corresponds to 2007~2010 in real time.
The Third Rewrite
This is the era in which The Mana World: Legacy happens.
For reasons still unknown at the rewrite time, but attributed to Zax De'Kagen (a being devoid of mana, in a sense, a mana eater), the Great Dragon of Air (and the Sparron Race) - Now known as Nu'Rem - goes amok and rampages the world.
The other Great Dragons has no choice other than suppressing another one of their own kind, while Jande, the Great Dragon of Earth, pacify what remains from The Mana World.
During this era, The Great Dragons remains unknown to the humanity - reduced to three races - during most of this era. The towns of Tulimshar, Hurnscald, and Nivalis are brought fully in existence, by the power of Di'Tal (Tulimshar/Fire), Jande (Hurnscald/Earth) and Tal (Nivalis/Water).
During this time, Di'Tal domains starts with a rapid expansion, but as time passes, his domain and powers reduces along Tulimshar, and Hurnscald grows faster than the other areas.
They also grant more magic powers to the adventurers in the world, which is manifest in the form of "Mana Seeds". It is unknown how Mana Seeds operate; Due to their element-neutral nature, it is believed that they don't take power neither from the dragons nor from the ether elements. While this is attributed to the Great Dragons, there's some dispute about it as well.
This is seen as the most prosperous era for The Mana World. Until the very end, when Zax De'Kagen makes his reapparance.
Jande, having sensed this, instead of having the fight hidden by the rewrites, decide to use the adventurers (which at this time are mostly Talpans) to face Zax; As a way to intefer with the rewrites itself.
The fight ensues. The effects from the third rewrite are most likely fixed events, like the doom of Keshlam; But the causes are still volatile. Only the Doomsday Event shall determine the exact details of how the next rewrite will happen.
This era, from the second to the third rewrite, corresponds to 2011~2020 in real time.
The Fourth Rewrite
This is the era in which The Mana World: rEvolt happens.
It is impossible, at the time this wiki article was written, to determine its characteristics. All this is still under a volatile state, and only the Doomsday Event will shed light and determine many specifics of how this fourth era will begin.
This era, from the third to the fourth rewrite, corresponds to 2020~actuality in real time.