From The Mana World
Line 19: Line 19:
Registers login credentials.
Registers login credentials.

[[File:Login Process Flow]]
[[File:Login_Process_Flow|frame|Login Process Flow]]

The server will take one of the following actions upon receiving this command:
The server will take one of the following actions upon receiving this command:
Line 35: Line 35:
* Client Version is currently expected to be 0.
* Client Version is currently expected to be 0.
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = ellipse]; "Start" "End";
node [shape = box, color = "#A1A1A1", style = "rounded,filled"];
"Start" -> "Login Request";
node [shape = box, style="rounded"];
"Login Error"
"Connection Problem";
"Login Request" -> "Login Error" [label="Connection\nRefused"];
"Login Request" -> "Login Error" [label="Account\nBanned or\nRestricted"];
"Login Request" -> "Connection\nProblem" [label="Account GM\nLevel less than\nMinimum\nGM Level"];
"Login Error" -> "End";
"Connection\nProblem" -> "End";
"Update Host\nSupported?" -> "Host Update" [label="Yes"];
"At least one\nCharacter\nServer?" -> "Connection\nProblem" [label="No"];
"At least one\nCharacter\nServer?" -> "Login Data" [label="Yes"];
"Login Data" -> "End";
node [shape = diamond, style="rounded"];
"Login Request" -> "Update Host\nSupported?" [label="Login Successful"];
"Update Host\nSupported?" -> "At least one\nCharacter\nServer?" [label="No"];
"Host Update" -> "At least one\nCharacter\nServer?";

Revision as of 04:23, 2 February 2013

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Login Register

Packet ID:0x0064
Packet Length:55
Client Defined:(hard-coded)
Sent Location(s):src/net/tmwa/loginhandler.cpp:298
Parsed Location(s):src/login/login.cpp


Offset Length Contents
0 2 Packet ID
2 4 Client Version
6 24 Username
30 24 Password
54 1 Bitmask:

0x01: Can handle Update Host packet

0x02: defaults to first char-server instead of last


Registers login credentials.

File:Login Process Flow
Login Process Flow

The server will take one of the following actions upon receiving this command:

  • If the connection is refused, the server will respond with Login Error.
  • If the account is banned or restricted, the server will respond with Login Error.
  • If the account's GM level is less than the "Minimum GM Level" defined, the server will respond with Connection Problem.
  • Otherwise, the login is successful, and the server will take all of the following actions:
    • If the "Update Host" is defined on the server, the server will respond with Host Update.
    • If at least one connected char-server, the server will respond with Login Data
    • If there is no connected char-server the server will respond with Connection Problem.


  • All supported clients must send a 3 on the final packet, indicating "Update Host" support, as well as defaulting to first server instead of last.
  • Client Version is currently expected to be 0.