From The Mana World
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[[Nicholas the Blacksmith]]
[[Nicholas the Blacksmith]]

==Bone Knife Quest (50,000 EXP)==
==Bone Knife Quest==
[[Bone Knife Quest]]
[[Bone Knife Quest]]

Revision as of 16:45, 11 December 2010

This article contains information for players or people interested in playing The Mana World rEvolt. If you're interested for the Classic game, please go to the Classic portal.

This article is for reference purpose

The features described in this article are already implemented in the game. The article should describe how a certain aspect of the game currently works. You may of course edit this article to improve the description of the circumstances. Your opinions or improvement suggestions about the described aspects themself are of course appreciated, too. But please put these on the discussion page of this article to keep facts and fiction separated.

Note: Experience Reward Limits

Experience point rewards will grant the total amount. There used to be a limit on experience awarded via quests, which would limit the total experience reward to raise you just one level. This is no longer true. Total experience is awarded even if you raise more than a single level while completing a quest.

Magic Quests

Magic Quests

Aidan And Ishi’s Monster Points

Aidan And Ishi's Monster Points

Selim The Dyer

Selim The Dyer

Rauk The Alchemist

Rauk The Alchemist

Candide The Bleacher

Candide The Bleacher

Newbie Graduation

Newbie Graduation

Farmer’s Scythe

Farmer's Scythe

Newbie's Quests

Tulimshar Quests

Bow Master’s Forest Bow

Forest Bow Quest

Obtaining A Wooden Shield

Wooden Shield Quest

Agostine The Tailor

Agostine The Tailor

Lora Tay The Legendary Seamstress

Lora Tay The Legendary Seamstress

Doug’s Cave Snake Lamps

Doug's Cave Snake Lamps

Cat's Ears

Cat Ears Quest

Letter Quest

Letter Quest

Robberies In Hurnscald

Robberies In Hurnscald

Treasure Chest - Hurnscald Mines

Short Sword Quest

Nicholas The Blacksmith

Nicholas the Blacksmith

Bone Knife Quest

Bone Knife Quest

Snowman’s Sweet Tooth

Snowman In The Mana World.

Due to the current updates of the game, this quest is not available on the main server.

Prerequisites: None

Redoable: No, only one time

Recommended From Levels: 40+

Starting Location: Snow Fields Below Nivalis

What To Do:

  1. Go to the snowfields. Start by heading west of Hurnscald. Follow the stone path all the way until it starts heading south. Instead of heading south, head north west at a 45 degree angle, through the grass. You will see a sign with a skull on it. Just north of the sign is a girl, Taro, in front of a cave. Click on her and agree to help her, and she will warp you to the Snow Fields (Click on her in the snowfields again to return to the same spot).
  2. Talk to the Snowman, who in turn would like you to get him 10 Chocolate Bars, 5 Cactus Potions and 15 Candies.
  3. Go and gather the sweet stuff!
  4. Talk to the Snowman again and give him the items to receive your reward.


  • Chocolate Bars, Cactus Potions and Candies can also be obtained from Monster Points.

Chocolate Bars Dropped By:

  • Scorpions (0.5%), Rudolph Slimes (3%), Red Slimes (1.1%), Red Scorpions (1%) and Black Scorpions (1%)

Candies Dropped By:

  • Scorpions (1%), Rudolph Slimes (6%) and Sea Slimes (10%)

Cactus Potions Dropped By:

  • Maggots (1.5%), Bats (1.5%), Spiky Mushrooms (1.5%), Fire Goblins (1.5%), Green Slimes (1%), Yellow Slimes (3.5%) and Giant Maggots (50%)
  • They can be bought in Nivalis (Christmas land, north of the snowfields) in the shop next to the stone for 70 GP


  • 1 Santa Hat (+2 Defense)

Total Cost:

  • 5 Cactus Potions
  • 10 Chocolate Bars
  • 15 Candies

Santa's Stolen Presents

Santa's Helper In The Mana World.

Due to the current updates of the game, this quest is not available on the main server.

Prerequisites: None

Redoable: No, only one time

Recommended From Levels: 50+

Starting Location: Snow Fields Below Nivalis

What To Do:

  1. Go to the snowfields. Start by heading west of Hurnscald. Follow the stone path all the way until it starts heading south. Instead of heading south, head north west at a 45 degree angle, through the grass. You will see a sign with a skull on it. Just north of the sign is a girl, Taro, in front of a cave. Click on her and agree to help her, and she will warp you to the Snow Fields (Click on her in the snowfields again to return to the same spot).
  2. Talk to Santa, who will ask you to help him with his stolen presents
  3. Collect the required amount of present boxes
  4. Go and talk to Santa's Helper to receive your reward.


  • If you attack a Santa Slime, his "reindeer" will join him in attacking you. Even though they die when you kill the Santa Slime, you neither get experience nor items from the Reindeer Slimes unless you kill them directly.

Purple Present Box Dropped By:

  • Rudolph Slimes (8%)

Blue Present Box Dropped By:

  • Rudolph Slimes (5%)

Green Present Box Dropped By:

  • Santa Slimes (5%)


  • Turtleneck Sweater (+6 Defense)

Total Cost:

  • 5 Green Present Boxes
  • 20 Blue Present Boxes
  • 25 Purple Present Boxes

Bone Quest (50,000 EXP)

Airlia Is Inside This House, On The Right Hand Side.

Prerequisites: Letter Quest

Recommended From Levels: 50+

Redoable: No, only one time

Starting Location: Hurnscald

What To Do:

  1. After delivering the letter to Airlia, click on her a second time. Tell her that you believe what she says is true. Choose one of the options, either the three dots, or that you have heard of the group. Agree to the quest. She will give you a quest to collect 50 bones.
  2. Go and collect the 50 bones.
  3. After collecting the 50 bones, return to Airlia. Tell her you have collected the 50 bones to receive your reward.


  • 5,000 GP
  • 50,000 EXP

Total Cost:

  • 50 Bones

Bones Are Dropped By:

  • Lady Skeletons (2.8%), Skeletons (2.8%), Fallens (2.1%), Reapers (5%)

Diseased Heart Quest (40,000 EXP)

Airlia Is Inside This House, On The Right Hand Side.

Prerequisites: Bone Quest

Recommended From Levels: 50+

Redoable: Yes

Starting Location: Hurnscald

What To Do:

  1. After you gave the 50 bones to Airlia, she said something to you about draining the mana from the undead.
  2. Collect 10 diseased hearts
  3. After you have collected them, return to Airlia and give her the diseased hearts to receive your reward.


  • 6,000 GP
  • 40,000 EXP

Total Cost:

  • 10 Diseased Hearts

Diseased Hearts Are Dropped By:

  • Zombies (1.2%)

Pachua The Hermit Indian

Pachua The Hermit Indian In Mana World.

Leather Works Resources Cost
Cowboy Hat (+6 Defense) 1 Fancy Hat
2 Snake Skins
1,000 GP
Jeans Chaps (+6 Defense) 1 Jeans Shorts
10 Snake Skins
10,000 GP
Leather Patch 1 Snake Skin 300 GP

Prerequisites: None

Redoable: Yes, forever

Recommended From Levels: 55+

Starting Location: Desert Mountains


  • To find Pachua: The road of the map forks in only three places. Take the eastern route at the first fork, which is in the second cave. The next fork is in the fourth cave, you want to go south. Then the third fork is in the fifth cave, west is the way towards the Hermit. In short: east, south, west.
  • There is also a magic note flying around in the Old Wizard's house in the North-East Woodlands that will bring you directly to Pachua. It is the second note from the top, on the right hand side.

Leather Working

These crafting options are available from the beginning. Note that it is random whether you get a White Cowboy Hat or a Black Cowboy Hat.

Snake Skins Dropped By:

  • Mountain Snakes (1.5%)

Jeans Shorts Dropped By:

  • Cave Snakes (0.4%)

Fancy Hats Dropped By:

  • Snakes (3%)

Demon Mask

The Entrance To The Demon Mask Cave.

Prerequisites: None

Redoable: No, only one time

Recommended From Levels: 60+

Starting Location: Hurnscald

What To Do:

  1. Go to the mine, which can be found by going north of Hurnscald as far as you can go until you find the cave entrance.
  2. From there, head straight up through the mine, and at the end, past the skull, take the entrance on the right.
  3. Once on the other side of the entrance, go left, and take the entrance directly on your left.
  4. Head west, and take the first path to the north. Follow the path as it turns to the left, and turn south after the candle stand that stands on the west side of the small pond. (I.e., take the second entrance in the southwest.)
  5. Head south through the open entrance, then head west. You will see an entrance at the north. Take this.
  6. You will enter an area with two candle-stands and three shields, and a pond with what appears to be a face. As you enter the small alcove-like southern section here the three shields are, go to the other side of the small barrier on your north side, and you will find an entrance there. Behind it you will find the bookcases. Enter there.
  7. There are two bookshelves: one is in this room, surrounded by black scorpions, and another in a peaceful room south of the scorpion room. It is the second one of these shelves you need to click on to read the ritual.
  8. After reading about the ritual, head north of the face in the pond, and there is an entrance there.
  9. If you have all the items (see list below), you will be able to get past the barrier. If not, check your item list, and collect what you are missing.
  10. Open the chest to retrieve your demon mask.

The Chest Where The Demon Mask Is.


  • You need to open the barrier that blocks access to the chest. Kill a Jack O and you will receive the Jack O Soul. This will let you pass the barrier and you will find the chest in the next room.
  • The Jack O usually appears on one of the cliffs in this region. It's full of dead trees. The entrance is in the Woodland Mines. Otherwise, there are Jack O's in the graveyard.
  • It's a long quest, maybe you'd prefer to trade for some of the objects with other players.


  • Demon Mask (+3 Defense)

Total Cost:

  • 1 Maggot Slime
  • 1 Petal (From Flower)
  • 1 Small Mushroom (From Evil Mushrooms)
  • 1 Pearl (From Sea Slime)
  • 1 Hard Spike (From Spiky Mushroom)
  • 1 Raw Log (From Log Head)
  • 1 Pink Antenna (From Pinkie)
  • 1 Snake Tongue (From Snake)
  • 1 Snake Tongue (From Mountain Snake)
  • 1 Snake Tongue (From Cave Snake)
  • 1 Snake Tongue (From Grass Snake)
  • 1 Key (From Spider)
  • 1 Pile Of Ash (From Fire Goblin)
  • 1 Gamboge Herb
  • 1 Mauve Herb
  • 1 Cobalt Herb
  • 1 Alizarin Herb
  • 1 Bug Leg
  • 1 Cave Snake Lamp (From Cave Snake)
  • 1 Iron Ore (From Yellow Slime)
  • 1 Scorpion Stinger (From Scorpion)
  • 1 Red Scorpion Stinger (From Red Scorpion)
  • 1 Black Scorpion Stinger (From Black Scorpion)
  • 1 White Fur (From Fluffy)
  • 1 Silkworm's Cocoon (From Silkworm)
  • 1 Dark Crystal (From Skulls)
  • 1 Bottle Of Water (From Mouboo Or Sea Slime)
  • 1 Jack O soul

Setzer Quest

Setzer Quest

Jhedia: Iron For Ingots

Prerequisites: None

Recommended From Levels: None

Redoable: Yes

Starting Location: Tulimshar

What To Do:

  1. Head to central Tulimshar, inside of the building north of the government building, right next to where Inac stands.
  2. Once inside, talk to Jhedia. Jhedia converts iron ore into iron ingots, but with a cost.
  3. Currently, the cost to convert 5 Iron Ore to 1 Iron Ingot is 10 Coal and 1000 GP.


  • 1 Iron Ingot

Total Cost:

  • 5 Iron Ore
  • 10 Coal
  • 1,000 GP