m (→List of online users (onlineuser): added csv as output format) |
m (TMWWEB Connector moved to TMWWeb Connector: Trying to standardize capitalization) |
(No difference)
Revision as of 13:49, 3 December 2008
What is a TMWWEB Connector?
The TMWWEB Connector is a package of methods provided by TMWWEB to allow foreign applications to access data of the running tmwserv server. A common example is a list of online users that are currently connected to the server. TMWWEB is able to deliver the data in different formats to be as open as possible for all kinds of applications, e.g. plain text or xml.
How can I connect to the Connector?
Until today, ther is no public installation of the Account Manager respective the connector. If you set up an installation of your own, just navigate your browser to the mainpage of tmwweb and add a "index.php/connector/" to the URL. The URL might look like that:
This is the root URL of the connector. Now you have to extend the URL with the name of the connector function you wan't to execute, e.g. onlineuser which will give you a URL like this:
Some methods probaly need input parameters or support different output formats. All parameters have to be added with a "/" to the url similar as the method name.
Method Specification
List of online users (onlineuser)
This will give you a list of all users online and connected with a char to the tmwserv Server.
- Output format:
- "plain" (default) will return a plain textfile with a character name per line.
- "xml" will return a xml file with more detailed informations about online characters.
- "csv" will return a plain textfile with detailed informations about online characters, separated by a ","
Plain text example
name name2
XML example
<users> <user name="[string]" gender="[number]" map="[number]" login_timestamp="[number]" login_date="[string]" /> <user ...> </users>
CSV example
- name: Name of the character
- gender: 0 = male, 1 = female
- map: ID of the current location (see Configuration file:maps.xml)
- login_timestamp: Unix time-stamp the character logged in
- login_date: Time-stamp of login in ISO 8601 format (e.g. 2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00)