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=Experimental Procedure=
=Experimental Procedure=
#Mass an empty 50mL beaker and place it at the distillation apparatus as a receiving flask.
#Disconnect the large test tube (190x20) from the apparatus. Add distilled water through the funnel until the water level is just below the 0.0mL mark in the burette.
#Get a 100mL graduated cylinder and fill it with 50.0mL of the mouthwash sample you are assigned to and record the "exact" volume and sample letter on data sheet.
#Raise and lower the funnel to help expel any air bubbles. (No air can be in the tubing or funnel stem at the beginning of the experiment). You might have to adjest the hight of the funnel relative to the rest of the apparatus. Don't let water flow through the rubber tubing used to connect the large test tube to the burette.
#Using a long stemmed funnel, add the mouthwash into the distilling flask through the top arm. Be careful no liquid runs into the side arm.
#Tare another large test tube in a 150mL beaker. Use a spatula to add between .90g-.100g of zinc powder into the large test tube. Record the mass of the zinc to three decimal places in the data table.
#Add 2-3 boiling chips to the distilling vessel.
#Add about 2.0mL of 6.0M HCl into a small test tube (70mmx10mm). Using forceps, gently slide the small test tube and contents into the larger test tube containing the zinc powder. The small test tube should be in the vertical position (mouth pointing upwards). Don't let any HCl contact the zinc. *If any does, the experiment has to be restarted.*
#Put the side arm with thermometer in place; be sure the bulb end of the thermometer extends past the arm leading into the condenser.
#Reconnect the large test tube to the apparatus so the small tube containing the HCl remains in the vertical position. Move the funnel either up for down so the water in the funnel and burette are at the same level.
#Turn on the water for a very gentle flow and begin heating; a heating mantle is the heat source.  
#Record the volume of water in the burette as your initial burette reading.  
#Heat the mouthwash to a gentle boil. Control the temperature so there is a constant rate of ethanol distilling over. (15-20 drops/minute)
#Measure the temperature of the water in the funnel using a thermometer and record it on the data sheet. Record the barometric pressure provided by instructor.
#Observe and record the temperature of the vapor when the first few drops are collected; this is the boiling point of the azerotrope.
==Read the rest before performing==
#Chart the distillation beginning with the first drop that is collected. Record the temperature when the first drop falls into the graduated cylinder. Use it as the first data point and then record the volume and temperature each minute until 20mL have been collected. As the mixture continues to distill, the temperature of the vapor will rise.
**The reaction between 6M HCl and zinc occurs rapidly after mixing. One student will mix the reagents in the test tubes and the other will lower the fullel so that the level of the water in the funnel is at the same height as the level of water in the burette during the time hydrogen gas is generated. **
#Initially the vapor temp will be close to the boiling point of ethanol (78.5C). The temperature will slowly increase until the boiling point of water (98C). At this point, all ethanol and some water will be distilled.
#With one student ready to lower the funnel, the other one gently inclines the large test tube so that all the HCl in the small tube will run out of the small tube and come in contact with the zinc powder in the large tube. Do not allow any HCl to flow through the rubber tubing connecting the large test tube and the burette.
#Remove the heat source and allow the setup to cool for 5 minutes.
#The funnel-lowering student lowrs the funnel, after the zinc and HCl have been mixed, making the lvel of water in the funnel the same as in the burette. Record the final burette reading. The volume of hydrogen gas gas produced is the difference between the final and initial burette readings.
#Record the mass of the graduated cylinder plus the distillate on the data sheet. Read/record the final volume of the distillate collected.  
#Remove the small test tube; pour the contents of the large test tube into a labeled waste container. Wash the large and small test tube with soap and water followed by rinsing with distilled water. Exchange your wet test tubes for a clean, dry set from your instructor. Repeat this experiemnt on two additional samples of zinc and record. Use results to calculate the percent purity of zinc.
#Computer density of distillate and complete rest of calculations. Use correct sig figs.  
=Helpful Links=
=Helpful Links=
Periodic Table
Periodic Table

Revision as of 00:53, 20 February 2008

Experimental Procedure

  1. Disconnect the large test tube (190x20) from the apparatus. Add distilled water through the funnel until the water level is just below the 0.0mL mark in the burette.
  2. Raise and lower the funnel to help expel any air bubbles. (No air can be in the tubing or funnel stem at the beginning of the experiment). You might have to adjest the hight of the funnel relative to the rest of the apparatus. Don't let water flow through the rubber tubing used to connect the large test tube to the burette.
  3. Tare another large test tube in a 150mL beaker. Use a spatula to add between .90g-.100g of zinc powder into the large test tube. Record the mass of the zinc to three decimal places in the data table.
  4. Add about 2.0mL of 6.0M HCl into a small test tube (70mmx10mm). Using forceps, gently slide the small test tube and contents into the larger test tube containing the zinc powder. The small test tube should be in the vertical position (mouth pointing upwards). Don't let any HCl contact the zinc. *If any does, the experiment has to be restarted.*
  5. Reconnect the large test tube to the apparatus so the small tube containing the HCl remains in the vertical position. Move the funnel either up for down so the water in the funnel and burette are at the same level.
  6. Record the volume of water in the burette as your initial burette reading.
  7. Measure the temperature of the water in the funnel using a thermometer and record it on the data sheet. Record the barometric pressure provided by instructor.

Read the rest before performing

    • The reaction between 6M HCl and zinc occurs rapidly after mixing. One student will mix the reagents in the test tubes and the other will lower the fullel so that the level of the water in the funnel is at the same height as the level of water in the burette during the time hydrogen gas is generated. **
  1. With one student ready to lower the funnel, the other one gently inclines the large test tube so that all the HCl in the small tube will run out of the small tube and come in contact with the zinc powder in the large tube. Do not allow any HCl to flow through the rubber tubing connecting the large test tube and the burette.
  2. The funnel-lowering student lowrs the funnel, after the zinc and HCl have been mixed, making the lvel of water in the funnel the same as in the burette. Record the final burette reading. The volume of hydrogen gas gas produced is the difference between the final and initial burette readings.
  3. Remove the small test tube; pour the contents of the large test tube into a labeled waste container. Wash the large and small test tube with soap and water followed by rinsing with distilled water. Exchange your wet test tubes for a clean, dry set from your instructor. Repeat this experiemnt on two additional samples of zinc and record. Use results to calculate the percent purity of zinc.

Helpful Links

Periodic Table


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General Education Requirements--Bachelor's Degree

Minimum 36 total general education credit hours, including: · Humanities--Minimum 15 credit hours including:

  ENG101              Composition I
  ENG102              Composition II
  COM226              Public Speaking

· Social Sciences--Minimum 9 credit hours including:

  SOC150              Technology and Society
  PSY150              Psychology of Thinking

· Mathematics--Minimum 3 credit hours for Bachelor of Arts.

  Minimum 6 credit hours with 3 credit hours at 200-level or
  higher for Bachelor of Science.

· Natural and Life Sciences--Minimum 3 credit hours for

  Bachelor of Arts. Minimum 6 credit hours for Bachelor of



  • ENG101 - Composition I (ENGL AP test) - 3 credits
  • ENG102 - Comp II (ENGL122) - 3 Credits*
  • COM226 - Public Speaking (SPCH130) - 3 Credits*
  • TRH103 - Humanities Elective (JAPN115) - 3 Credits*
  • Need 3 more credits

Social Sci

  • TRSS104 - Social Science Elective (HUMS212, 4 credits)*
  • SOC150 - Tech and Society - 3 credits**
  • PSY150 - Psych and Thinking - 3 Credits ** (Ask Ryan about his psy teacher)
  • Need 0 Credits w/UAT classes


  • Minimum 6 credit hours with 3 credit hours at 200-level


  • Minimum 6 credit hours for Bachelor of