m (WildX moved page Walkthrough to Start without leaving a redirect: Need to create a proper walkthrough, this is better suited for "getting started") |
Revision as of 13:09, 14 October 2019
This article contains information for players or people interested in playing The Mana World rEvolt. If you're interested for the Classic game, please go to the Classic portal.
This article is for reference purpose
The features described in this article are already implemented in the game. The article should describe how a certain aspect of the game currently works. You may of course edit this article to improve the description of the circumstances. Your opinions or improvement suggestions about the described aspects themself are of course appreciated, too. But please put these on the discussion page of this article to keep facts and fiction separated.
Important Information
This page is for the new server. If you are looking for information regarding the walkthrough legacy server please visit https://www.themanaworld.org/index.php/Legacy_Walkthrough
Rules and etiquette
In addition to the Game Rules, we would advise the following etiquette:
- Do not drop-steal without permission (drop-steal: take items dropped by a monster someone else killed).
- Do not kill-steal without permission (kill-steal: kill a monster someone else is fighting to get easy exp).
- Be polite, take the time to greet people before you ask anything, follow the same etiquette in conversation as you would follow in real life.
- Do not do things to others as you would not like to be done to yourself.
Default controls
These are the default controls for the ManaPlus Client.
Key | Action |
Arrow Keys | move around |
Ctrl or A + X | attack |
F1 | toggle the online help |
F2 | toggle profile window |
F3 | toggle inventory window |
F4 | toggle equipment window |
F5 | toggle skills window |
F6 | toggle minimap |
F7 | toggle chat window |
F8 | toggle shortcutbar |
F9 | show setup window |
F10 | toggle debug window |
Alt+0--Alt+9, - & + | show emoticons |
S or Alt+S | sit down / stand up |
Alt+F | toggle debug pathfinding feature |
Alt+T | toggle ignore/allow incoming trades |
Alt+P | take screenshot |
A | target nearest monster |
H | hide all non-sticky windows |
G or Z | pick up item |
Enter | focus chat window / send message |
Shift | hold it when attacking to lock target for auto attack |
Tip: The keys listed here are the default keys. To change the keys go to setup -> keyboard.
Key | Action |
Left-click (on character) | Attack |
Left-click (on item) | walk to and pick up |
Left-click (on ground) | toggle walking in the direction of the cursor |
Right-click (on character) | context sensitive menu |
Left-click (on ground) | toggle walking in the direction of the cursor |
- When using the mouse to walk, your character will automatically use a pathfinding algorithm to take the nearest route to the mouse pointer's location.
- Left click to execute default action: walk, pick up an item, attack a monster and talk to NPCs (be sure to click on their feet).
- Right click to show up a context menu (trade, attack, befriend, ...). Holding [Left Shift] prevents from walking when attacking.
First steps
This information will be added shortly. Thankyou for your patience.
Raising your Stats
- When you gain a level in The Mana World, you are awarded points that you can distribute as you please between the various Stats.
- Essentially, only two routes are beneficial in the long term, and the community refers to them as Warrior (or Melee) and Archer (or Ranged). It is not effective to be a magic user until high levels. Level 70 is ideal to start as mage.
- Always try to keep the stats in the multiples of 5. You get bonus if your stats are in multiples of 5. For further details on each stat see the Stats page.
- You can always experiment your stats and equipment easily in the Test Server. I would advise you to first test your stats in Test Server.
TMW doesn't have any set classes, instead skill points can be distributed as you like to make up the character you want. The basic "builds" are Warrior, Archer and Mage. They are based on their level, statistics, skills and equipment. One can build their statistics to change between Archer, Warrior or Mage with just a change of equipment, but it will consume more stat points. Beginner characters until around level 10 are a basic warrior class, which is the simplest build, allowing you to get familiar with the game.
- Archer is easy to play and can level up fast. Archer uses bow and arrows. For more details visit Archer.
- Mage uses magic to fight and heal. It's easier to play Mage at high level. For more details visit Mage.
Stat Reset
See the article named Magic.
Quick walkthrough
- LVL 1-15:
To be added.
- LVL 13-28:
To be added.
- LVL 25-40:
To be added.
- LVL 38-50:
To be added.
- LVL 45-60:
To be added.
- LVL 61-90:
To be added.
- LVL 90-99:
To be added.
More details about the quests are available in Quests and maps of the current world at User:Superkoop/IngameMap and In-game_world_map.
To be added.
To be added.
Training locations
To be added.
Training technique
Your wrist is going to get worn out in those long training sessions. Try mapping your keyboard so that your attack and target keys are more ergonomic to your hands as you can do this through the client in Setup. I personally use "A" and "Z" on my computer, which greatly helps my own training endurance.
Another good trick is healing on demand. Stock up on your healing item of choice (such things as Beer, Milk, Apples, or other edibles) and make the Inventory window small enough that it doesn't block much of your area of vision. Now keep that item selected, and you can simply click Use whenever you need a quick heal. This is even better if you have a recent client with the item shortcut bar. I toggle the healing item to use and just heal with one keystroke when needed. Keep in mind that we now heal over time.
The Economy
See the Economy page.
Once you have gained enough levels and money that the eternal grind begins to bore you, you have multiple options for spending your time:
- Finish all the Quests.
- Practice Magic and finish all the Magic Quests if you haven't already.
- Become an obsessive collector. Outfit Wars may help you in finding the competitive gatherer within you.
And, of course, you can become a developer: see below.
Final thoughts
So you have completed your item collection and levelled as much as you care to. You've finished all of the quests. What else can you do? Well, one of the great things about The Mana World and Open Source software in general is that anyone can help improve it and further it along. There are many ways you can do that even without any "programming" knowledge.
The more active players the game has, the more potential programmers will be introduced to the game. And the more potential programmers we have, the faster the development will go. That means new features, items, quests, etc. for everyone. How can you help nurture a large active player base?
Well, as you may have noticed before you read this guide, the game has somewhat of a difficult learning curve for new players. Many more experienced players help newbies with quests and items - some even go so far as to create an account devoted solely to that purpose.
How do experienced players pass the time while we wait for new content? Simply put, we make our own quests and events, stimulating competition among players and giving out prizes as incentive. This is a great way that we keep other players from getting bored and quitting, and anyone can get involved with it.
Most importantly, if you have the time and a little bit of know how, you can influence the development of the game directly by helping to code, scripting new items, making pixel art for new tilesets, NPCs, monsters, etc, as well as mapping. Mapping especially is very simple and done in a freely available editor called Tiled, which you can read more about on the Map development page.
Doing all these things is easier when you are not working alone; indeed, bigger projects can be tackled much faster in groups. Although there is no integrated guild system in the client yet, players have started their own "unofficial" guilds (see Player Groups). They all serve different purposes, but at least one devotes itself to the purpose of furthering the development of the game through the three methods above. Consider joining a guild like this to be a part of a player community that seeks to better the game. You won't be losing your individuality (usually!) in doing so.
'This article is under construction'
The concept of the features described here are still under construction. The information for this wiki will be for the server.themanaworld.org server in the very near future, so expect changes. Therefore, this wiki may seem incomplete or confusing for a little while. Please be patient, and look forward to the great changes!