From The Mana World
(Redirect to legacy page.)
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#REDIRECT [[Legacy_Tulimshar_Forge]]
== Quests Available ==
* [[Heathin%27s_Terranite_Arrows]]
* [[The_Terranite_Armor]]
* [[Iron_Ingots]]
== Items sold ==
* SlingShot :500
* SlingBullet :1
* ShortBow :8000
* Arrow :1
* IronArrow :3
* Knife :50
* SharpKnife :100
* Dagger :1000
* LeatherShirt :2000
* LeatherShield :2000
== Tip: Buying arrows ==
If you're an archer, this is probably your choice spot for buying arrows, unless you use iron arrows or something else. That's because Gungnir sells them for 1 GP each, the cheapest rate in the game. Take the Ferry to the Tulimshar dock, head south to first buidling, which is Tulimshar Bank, then head west across the bridge. This will bring you to the Tulimshar Forge. You will find [[Tulimshar Forge|Gungnir]] just inside.
== References ==
Heathin: [ Github - heathin.txt]
Jhedia: [ Github - jhedia.txt]
Forge Shops: [ Github - forge_shops.txt]
Mana-kins: [ Github - manakins.txt]

Revision as of 10:09, 26 August 2017