From The Mana World
m (Minor change to differentiate separate rewards given by Orum and Waric, to clarify for players that Dark Magic is optional and not compulsory.)
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Revision as of 09:33, 4 August 2015

This article contains information for players or people interested in playing The Mana World rEvolt. If you're interested for the Classic game, please go to the Classic portal.

This article is for reference purpose

The features described in this article are already implemented in the game. The article should describe how a certain aspect of the game currently works. You may of course edit this article to improve the description of the circumstances. Your opinions or improvement suggestions about the described aspects themself are of course appreciated, too. But please put these on the discussion page of this article to keep facts and fiction separated.

Quest Overview
Orum and Waric.png
Starting Location 017-4 Hideout
Level 40 - 60 (recommended)
Prerequisites Orum Quest
Redoable No, only once



  1. Go to the Woodland Hills and enter in the Woodland Cave. Then, move around the entrance counterclockwise and enter in the Hideout. Follow the path until you reach the last Hideout section with two torches. Walk on the south-east entrance. Persuade the guardian spirit to let you into the cave.
  2. Talk to Orum and offer him your services.
  3. First, you must bring him 5 Small Mushrooms, 5 Piles of Ash and 1 Orange Tulip. He will make an Orange Summoning Flower. Go outside the cave, and go a couple of steps to the east to find the spot on a small hill. Place the magical flower at the center of the spot and kill summoned monsters. Return to Orum.
  4. Now, you must collect for him 5 Pink Petals, 5 Scorpion Stingers and 1 Pink Tulip. Leave the cave and head south to pass the Old Man's hut. On the next map, head south and west to follow the path of Terranite Cave. In the cave north of Blossom's area, head east at every branch. You'll reach an isolated spot to place your magical flower. Again, kill all the monsters and return to Orum.
  5. For the third magical flower, you'll have to collect 5 White Furs, 5 Red Scorpion Stingers and 1 White Tulip. However, you'll have to help him to make the flower pouring a rheological additive in the powder mix. Wait until it's bubbling "heavily" and pour it. Once you've got the third magical flower, go back to Hurnscald and enter Hurnscald's Mines. Head east, pass the Red Slimes and head south until you reach the Spiders nest. Here, head west and take the north exit. Place the flower on the spot, kill the monsters, and return to Orum.
  6. He now asks you for 5 Hard Spikes, 5 Angry Scorpion Stingers and 1 Yellow Rose. This time, he will add the rheological additive and you will mix the two powders. Your aim is to make a strong orange mixture. Add red powder when the mixture is too bright and yellow powder when it's too dark. Keep in mind that the mixture randomly fluctuates a bit. Once the process done, go outside the cave and head east until you reach the Woods. Here, head south to the next map and continue until you see a bench on a hill. Enter the cave behind the hill and directly head east until you reach the exit. Place the magical flower on the spot, kill summoned monsters and return to Orum.
  7. For the last magical flower, Orum wants you to collect 20 Acorns, 3 Pearls, 5 Black Scorpion Stingers and 1 Red Rose. Give him the ingredients and make a choice between mixing the powders or adding the additive. Each case will lead to a disaster but a Rose Hat will fall in the cauldron from Orum's pocket. He gives it to you.
  8. Bring him a new Red Rose to make the last magical flower. Go outside the cave, head east to enter the Woods and place your flower on the spot near the big tree. Kill the monsters and return to Orum who gives you 100,000 exp and 100,000GP as a reward.

<spoiler show="Show which items droped by monsters" hide="Hide"> Small Mushrooms are dropped by:

  • Evil Mushroom (10%)
  • Wicked Mushroom (10%)
  • Moonshroom (5%)

Piles Of Ash are dropped by:

  • Fire Skull (50%)
  • Fire Goblin (5%)

Pink Petals are dropped by:

  • Pink Flower (10%)

White Furs are dropped by:

Hard Spikes are dropped by:

  • Wicked Mushroom (6%)
  • Spiky Mushroom (4%)

Acorns are dropped by:

  • Squirrel (70%)
  • Log Head (30%)

Pearls are dropped by:

Scorpion Stingers are dropped by:

  • Scorpion (7%)

Red Scorpion Stingers are dropped by:

  • Red Scorpion (20%)

Angry Scorpion Stingers are dropped by:

  • Angry Scorpion (7%)

Black Scorpion Stingers are dropped by:

  • Black Scorpion (8%)

Roses and Tulips are sold by:

  • Blossom (Woodland Hills)



  • 1 Rose Hat (Defense +1, M. Attack +8)
  • 100,000 EXP
  • 100,000 GP

Total Cost:

  • 5 Small Mushrooms
  • 5 Piles Of Ash
  • 5 Pink Petals
  • 5 White Furs
  • 5 Hard Spikes
  • 20 Acorns
  • 3 Pearls
  • 5 Scorpion Stingers
  • 5 Red Scorpion Stingers
  • 5 Angry Scorpion Stingers
  • 5 Black Scorpion Stingers
  • 1 Orange Tulip
  • 1 Pink Tulip
  • 1 White Tulip
  • 1 Yellow Rose
  • 2 Red Roses


After completing the quest with Orum you are not required talk with Waric.

Warning : This quest will teach you Dark Magic and this is irreversible. If you choose to continue and follow Waric instructions, you will not be able to learn the Astral Magic with Sagatha. So be able to choose depending on your style of playing. You should also be on Dark Path of Magic, which means that you cut the Druid tree branch and that you killed the Injured Mouboo, but not necessarily talking to the Earth Spirit.

However, if you decide to pursue refer to the Dark Magic Skill for more. But know in advance what this Dark Magic quest will reward you and will cost in objects.


  • Dark Magic Skill
  • 150,000 EXP

Total Cost:

  • 1 Root
  • 1 Snake Egg