(Created page with "{{I18n}} {{Status Under Construction|}} Image:AuctionBot.png == AuctionBot == AuctionBot je poněkud víceúčelový přáteský bot napsaný '''gnurfkem...") |
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* '''Pořád se mi to hrabe v obchodu (používám [[Cz:Manaplus|Manaplus klienta]]. Jak se toho zbavit?''' Váš klient dělá každých 3é vteřin neviditelného smajlíka (což se nazívá advert protocol). AuctionBot se Vám bude hraba v obchodě pouze když budete vysílat tohoto smajlíka a to jednou za půl hodiny.Pokud se vám to nelíbí zrušte obchod úplně ("Enable Shop mode") nebo zrušte "Enable advert protocol". A pokud jen nechcete vidět obchodní požadavky bota zrušte si panel pro obchodní záznamy ("Hide shop messages"). | * '''Pořád se mi to hrabe v obchodu (používám [[Cz:Manaplus|Manaplus klienta]]. Jak se toho zbavit?''' Váš klient dělá každých 3é vteřin neviditelného smajlíka (což se nazívá advert protocol). AuctionBot se Vám bude hraba v obchodě pouze když budete vysílat tohoto smajlíka a to jednou za půl hodiny.Pokud se vám to nelíbí zrušte obchod úplně ("Enable Shop mode") nebo zrušte "Enable advert protocol". A pokud jen nechcete vidět obchodní požadavky bota zrušte si panel pro obchodní záznamy ("Hide shop messages"). | ||
== | == Makéřský systém == | ||
Myšlenka je taková že řeknete botovi co hledáte (''!seek'') a co zamýšlíte prodat (''!offer'') a bot poté zkouší najít někoho s kým by mohl obchodovat. | |||
* '''!offer''' : | * '''!offer''' : Akceptuje název předmětu (nebo id) a cenový limit. To říká botovi co chcete prodat a jaká je vaše minimální požadovaná cena (v GP). | ||
* '''!seek''' : | * '''!seek''' : Akceptuje název předmětu (nebo id) a cenový limit. V tomto případě je limit pro cenu maximální to zanmená že za daný předmět nechcete dát víc než uvedenou cenu. | ||
After entering this command AuctionBot either comes up with someone to trade with. Then you can trade that item and agree on a quantity. If AuctionBot was unable to find a partner it adds this information to its database and waits for some partner to log into tmw or to issue a corresponding command. Also if someone announces "Sell ..." in the storage room, it may get you a message. Once you get that message your information about your intentions is deleted from the database, so if you want to trade more of that item, you need to issue another !offer or !seek command. If on the other hand you manage to trade your item independently, you need to '''!delete''' it from AuctionBot. Another source of items is [[ManaMarket]], so AuctionBot queries ManaMarket and answers your '''!seek''' queries with those items as well. | After entering this command AuctionBot either comes up with someone to trade with. Then you can trade that item and agree on a quantity. If AuctionBot was unable to find a partner it adds this information to its database and waits for some partner to log into tmw or to issue a corresponding command. Also if someone announces "Sell ..." in the storage room, it may get you a message. Once you get that message your information about your intentions is deleted from the database, so if you want to trade more of that item, you need to issue another !offer or !seek command. If on the other hand you manage to trade your item independently, you need to '''!delete''' it from AuctionBot. Another source of items is [[ManaMarket]], so AuctionBot queries ManaMarket and answers your '''!seek''' queries with those items as well. | ||
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[[Category:Cz:Bots]] | [[Category:Cz:Bots]] | ||
Revision as of 20:31, 17 February 2014
Tento článek obsahuje informace pro hráče nebo pro ty, kteří by si rádi zahráli The Mana World rEvolt. If you're interested for the Classic game, please go to the Classic portal.

AuctionBot je poněkud víceúčelový přáteský bot napsaný gnurfkem pro TMW. Nachází se v General store v Hurnscaldu. Pro použití je nutné šeptání příkazů. Příkazy vždy začínají vykřičníkem a neznámé příkazy či cokoliv iného je ignorováno. Bot má několik nezávislých systémů.
!help - je příkaz který zobrazí základní nápovědu. Pokud příkazu !help předáte jiný příkaz ve formě !help <!příkaz> zobrazí se Vám nápověda pro daný příkaz.
FAQ - často kladené dotazy
- Proč se to jmenuje AuctionBot? Zpočátku toto měl být aukční bot. Poté se ale vyvvynulo mnoho dalších funkcí jako je zasílání zpráv. Neberte jméno jako absolutní popis.
- Nemluví to se mnou! Pokud není z nějakého důvodu bot rozbitý, máte pravděpodobně zakázáno jej používat z nějakého důvodu. Ptejte se gnurfka.
- Pořád se mi to hrabe v obchodu (používám Manaplus klienta. Jak se toho zbavit? Váš klient dělá každých 3é vteřin neviditelného smajlíka (což se nazívá advert protocol). AuctionBot se Vám bude hraba v obchodě pouze když budete vysílat tohoto smajlíka a to jednou za půl hodiny.Pokud se vám to nelíbí zrušte obchod úplně ("Enable Shop mode") nebo zrušte "Enable advert protocol". A pokud jen nechcete vidět obchodní požadavky bota zrušte si panel pro obchodní záznamy ("Hide shop messages").
Makéřský systém
Myšlenka je taková že řeknete botovi co hledáte (!seek) a co zamýšlíte prodat (!offer) a bot poté zkouší najít někoho s kým by mohl obchodovat.
- !offer : Akceptuje název předmětu (nebo id) a cenový limit. To říká botovi co chcete prodat a jaká je vaše minimální požadovaná cena (v GP).
- !seek : Akceptuje název předmětu (nebo id) a cenový limit. V tomto případě je limit pro cenu maximální to zanmená že za daný předmět nechcete dát víc než uvedenou cenu.
After entering this command AuctionBot either comes up with someone to trade with. Then you can trade that item and agree on a quantity. If AuctionBot was unable to find a partner it adds this information to its database and waits for some partner to log into tmw or to issue a corresponding command. Also if someone announces "Sell ..." in the storage room, it may get you a message. Once you get that message your information about your intentions is deleted from the database, so if you want to trade more of that item, you need to issue another !offer or !seek command. If on the other hand you manage to trade your item independently, you need to !delete it from AuctionBot. Another source of items is ManaMarket, so AuctionBot queries ManaMarket and answers your !seek queries with those items as well.
- !delete : Takes an item name and deletes your intentions about this item from the database.
- !mylist : Shows what you currently seek or offer. If the list gets too long to display, you can pass a category. Try !help !mylist to get a list of categories.
- !globallist : Shows which items are listed by any players. The list is huge. It is not useful in general, but it can wet your appetite.
- !globalstats : Tries to show which items are "hot". Suggestions improving this command are welcome.
- How can I see other player's prices? Basically you cannot. The only way to see another player's entered price is to be whispered about a matching trade.
- Why do I need to list items to see prices? You need to make up your mind what the item is worth to you. This way you do not pay more than you want to pay and get the money you want to get.
- How can I sell 10 Acorns? You simply list the item with a price per item and agree on the amount with your partner later.
- It keeps telling me to come back later! If you change prices too rapidly or add an item you previously deleted, then AuctionBot will deny this action to prevent brute forcing. Waiting an hour will fix this problem.
Let's say there are four players Foo, Bar, Qux and Quux. Foo and Bar want to sell their Acorns at 12gp and at 15gp per Acorn. Soo Foo whipsers !offer acorn 12 to AuctionBot and Bar whispers !offer acorn 15. Then Qux wants to buy Acorns.
- Qux wants to pay up to 20 gp per Acorn (!seek acorn 20). Then AuctionBot would simultaneously notify Foo and Qux, because Foo's Acorns are cheaper than Bar's. The notification would suggest 16gp as price which is the average of both limits. Bar would get no message in this case. If however Foo is not online at that time, the notification would simultaneously go to Bar and Qux (if Bar is online at that time). The suggested price would be 17gp in this case.
- Qux wants to pay up to 14 gp per Acorn. Again AuctionBot would notify Foo and Qux. However if Foo is offline, it would not notify Bar and Qux, because the prices do not fit together. AuctionBot would wait until Foo and Qux are online at the same time and then notify both.
- Qux wants to pay up to 11 gp per Acorn. Nobody would get notified in this case. AuctionBot would wait for further !offer and !seek commands or chat messages "Sell ..." or "Buy ..." (emitted by 4144 shop mode announce).
- Now Foo and Bar are offline, but Qux still wants to buy Acorns. Quux is not using the AuctionBot directly, but in Hurnscald storage says he sells the acorns for 12 gp (in message format emited by 4144 client), then Qux still gets a whisper that there is a match for the item he seeks, but Quux doesnt get any message.
- I whisper !buy something, but it doesn't trade me. Maybe you are rejecting trades? For some clients this is key r.
- I entered money, but AuctionBot aborts the trade. Did you click Change?
Mail System
!mail : Takes a nickname (optionally enclosed in single or double quotes) and a message. The message will be delivered to the player when he logs into tmw. You can only send one message to a player at a time. If you send a second message, it replaces your first message.
!ignoremail : Takes a nickname and tells AuctionBot that you wish to not receive any mail from that player. To undo, issue the command again.
Lastseen System
!lastseen : Takes a nickname and tells you when AuctionBot has last seen that player. This includes all players, not just those in the warehouse. The list of online players is refreshed every 30 seconds, so it is a bit inaccurate sometimes.
Onlinealert System
!onlinealert : Takes a nickname. If that player is not online now you will get a message when the player gets online. If you go offline, the alert is discarded. Note that it may take AuctionBot to spot a player up to 30 seconds.
Itembay System
Think Ebay.
!startauction : Pass the name of an item you wish to sell. If you do this, be prepared to sell for any price. The auction will last for a week. After this period you will be told who bid most and how much. You exchange the item for money with your partner directly.
!listauctions : List all currently active auctions. Each auction has an unique identifier denoted in square braces. Furthermore the item name (only a single item), the seller and the currently highest bid are listed.
!bid : This command takes an auction identifier and your bid in this order. If you win the auction, you will get a further whisper telling you about this. If another player does a higher bid, you also get one message.
Problems / Questions
If you experience any problems contact gnurfk (for instance using !mail). This includes getting spammed with mails or false trade opportunities. This also includes requesting new features or improving error messages and help texts.