From The Mana World
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Latest revision as of 19:35, 1 July 2013
This is only a partial log. Because of a power failure we lost the beginning (If someone has got the complete log please update it).
[21:15] * Crush * anyone who does not agree? [21:15] * Modanung * I agree [21:15] * Crush * ultim, for example, suggested to use a shading from the front [21:15] * ElvenProgrammer * i guess we can suppose light sources position is ok for everyone [21:16] * Rotonen * well different (or special) areas could have a different direction of light [21:16] * Rotonen * to give it a subtle different feeling [21:16] * Rotonen * most of the players wouldn't really notice what's wrong [21:16] * Crush * i suggested indoor maps to be shaded with diffused light [21:17] * Crush * because indoor maps usually dont have one distant light source as outdoor tiles have got [21:17] * Rotonen * diffused light is nice, but overusage could lead into problems with contrast between the inside and the outside [21:17] * ElvenProgrammer * after the meeting is over, please someone send me the log so tomorrow i'll update wiki pages with guidelines and tasks [21:18] * Rotonen * we could utilize the flyspray for tasks [21:18] * Crush * i got another task i would like someone to do [21:18] * ElvenProgrammer * Rotonen: does it still work? i'd like to use wiki [21:18] * ElvenProgrammer * Crush: what? [21:18] * Modanung * Rotonen: You mean like lava caves with subtle orange light from the bottom, and deep in de dark forest with glowing mushrooms? [21:19] * Crush * my forest tileset will be finished soon, but before we can release forest maps we need some forest monsters [21:19] * Rotonen * well dunno about the flyspray in particular, but flyspray is a good system for assignation in general [21:19] * Mkael * I need to go now [21:19] * Mkael * Rotonen shall send me the log, right? :P [21:19] * Crush * so i thought there would be any volunteers to create some monsters which fit into a forest [21:19] * Rotonen * Modanung: something like that and perhaps more, take notice of ff series [21:19] * ElvenProgrammer * Mkael: or check wiki [21:19] * maci * Crush: we could use those pokemon thingy for the forest [21:19] * Mkael * ok [21:19] * Crush * NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [21:19] * Rotonen * Mkael: actually.. :) [21:19] * Mkael * bye [21:19] * Modanung * Rotonen: I hated FF combat, never really played it [21:19] * Crush * sorry, im alergic to pokemon [21:19] * Mkael * g'night [21:19] * Mkael * pokemon! [21:20] * ElvenProgrammer * lol [21:20] < Mkael has disconnected ("Client Exiting") [21:20] * Modanung * Yughl [21:20] * maci * monster9.png [21:20] * maci * ah [21:20] * MrLindeijer * ElvenProgrammer: Sure I'll put the log on the wiki I guess as with the other meetings. [21:20] * ElvenProgrammer * MrLindeijer: nice thx [21:20] * MrLindeijer * I agree about lighting direction from south west. [21:20] * Modanung * maci: That's a Fire Goblin [21:21] * Modanung * ElvenProgrammer, Crush: Maybe I could do some monsters? [21:21] * ElvenProgrammer * not a bulbasaur ;P [21:21] * maci * ElvenProgrammer: hehe [21:21] * Crush * no im really bad at creatures [21:21] * Modanung * Crush: I said I [21:21] * Crush * i suggest i make the tiles and someone else creates the monsters parallel [21:21] * ElvenProgrammer * Modanung: i strongly suggest that you complete working on concept art but of course feel free to [21:21] * Modanung * Crush: As in me :P [21:22] * Crush * oh, i misunderstood [21:22] * Modanung * Crush: No problem :) [21:22] * ElvenProgrammer * i can ask neko-mon as well to think about something [21:22] * Crush * yes, it would be good when you could make some monsters [21:22] * Rotonen * Modanung: please finish the herbivore creature :) [21:22] * Modanung * ElvenProgrammer: *sigh* Yes, master [21:22] * Crush * what have you got in mind? [21:22] * maci * if Modanung makes onsters they will pawn [21:22] * Modanung * Rotonen: Yea, I suppose I should [21:22] * maci * *monsters [21:22] * Modanung * Rotonen: We could use it in the forest area maybe after some retinting [21:23] * ElvenProgrammer * if we wait for the herbivore we will wait a year [21:23] * Rotonen * Modanung: well the forrest variation should be more docile [21:23] * ElvenProgrammer * i suggest we need more small quick monsters [21:23] * Modanung * ElvenProgrammer: I agree [21:23] * Rotonen * blah the double r, accidentally watched bold and the beautiful today -_- [21:23] * Modanung * ElvenProgrammer: Small packhunters [21:24] * Rotonen * something ratlike [21:24] * Modanung * Maybe [21:24] * Rotonen * something between the scorps and the maggots [21:24] * ElvenProgrammer * what's a packhunter? i was thinking more about evil mushrooms... [21:24] * Rotonen * sizewise [21:24] * maci * ElvenProgrammer: and i suggest that we will rename the monster*.png in a way like monster01 monster 02 and so on [21:24] * Modanung * ElvenProgrammer: I meant small creatures that swarm around you. [21:24] * ElvenProgrammer * maci: why so? [21:24] * Rotonen * maci: monster 001 etc would be better on the long run :) [21:25] * Rotonen * ElvenProgrammer: they'd be better vievable in alphabetic order [21:25] * maci * ElvenProgrammer: if you sort it 10 comes before 1 [21:25] * ElvenProgrammer * ok let's do monster0001 [21:25] * maci * ElvenProgrammer: yeah [21:25] * maci * :) [21:25] * ElvenProgrammer * ^______________________________^ [21:25] * Rotonen * damn, no monster 007 then :/ [21:25] * maci * heh [21:25] * ElvenProgrammer * with a smoking and a martini? [21:25] * ElvenProgrammer * a penguin probably [21:25] * ElvenProgrammer * ;P [21:25] * Modanung * Monster666 should be special, huge and evil :P [21:26] * Rotonen * i'd like to insert cultural gags into the game :) [21:26] * ElvenProgrammer * Rotonen: there will be a time to do that [21:26] * Rotonen * nothing too funny, but a few "easter eggs" :) [21:26] * Rotonen * indeed [21:26] * maci * Rotonen: eah they did that in so as well [21:26] * maci * *som [21:26] * Rotonen * i'm just feeling the growing urge to pump all of my ideas out before i have to go to the military for a year [21:27] * Crush * you may have noticed, that i included the "mana sword" into my tileset [21:27] * maci * Crush: yep [21:27] * Rotonen * technically we cannot copy anything from som :) [21:27] * Rotonen * too bad i'm only on a text console at the moment [21:27] * Crush * i thought about using it as an easter egg, too [21:28] * maci * a sword in a stone isnt the idea from square [21:28] * ElvenProgrammer * Rotonen: i suggest you start writing some background stories to alleviate your brain [21:28] * Rotonen * for some reason the x-server of my crappy laptop won't start [21:28] * ElvenProgrammer * mine neither [21:28] * Rotonen * ElvenProgrammer: lost my motivation when i lost track of the current state of the backstory [21:28] * Rotonen * what is it these days= [21:28] * Rotonen * ? [21:28] * maci * Rotonen: try to get SD running in framebuffer ;) [21:28] * Modanung * Rotonen: We could copy a small, recognisable part of a map as an easteregg [21:28] > neko-mon has joined [21:28] * Rotonen * maci: no motivation for such [21:28] * neko-mon * hello ^^ [21:28] * maci * *SDL [21:28] * Rotonen * lo [21:28] * ElvenProgrammer * Rotonen: you were the one supposed to answer this question [21:29] * Modanung * Rotonen: With own-made tiles [21:29] * maci * lo neko-mon ^^ [21:29] * neko-mon * lo maci =D lo rotonen [21:29] * ElvenProgrammer * neko-mon: we need a monster for the forest tileset, i was thinking something like small evil mushrooms [21:29] * Rotonen * ElvenProgrammer: now that all the other toes have disappeared, i can once again dictate it :) [21:29] * maci * ahh .. i just realized that i am in tmwart channel atm heh [21:29] * ElvenProgrammer * Rotonen: yeah less finnish writers around [21:29] * Crush * when we got mushrooms and snakes, we just have to add badgers and im happy [21:29] * neko-mon * mushrooms =D like Secret of mana =D [21:29] * Modanung * ElvenProgrammer: Soft pink mushrooms with heart-shaped red spots? :P [21:29] * Rotonen * i don't entirely agree with mushrooms being animate, too childishesque [21:30] * maci * neko-mon: nahh.. magic mushrooms ;) [21:30] * ElvenProgrammer * Modanung: sure [21:30] * Modanung * ElvenProgrammer: That fart venomous spores? [21:30] * maci * like the player eats them and then the whole game gets strange for a while [21:30] * ElvenProgrammer * Rotonen: it's the easiest monster you can come up with [21:30] * neko-mon * hmmm i need a concept [21:30] * Modanung * ElvenProgrammer: Not true [21:30] * Modanung * ElvenProgrammer: Don't forget the slimes [21:30] * Rotonen * well slimes exist in real world too :) [21:31] * ElvenProgrammer * well they don't belong properly to the forest behaviour [21:31] * Modanung * Rotonen: In your bathroom maybe [21:31] * Crush * how about wild animals. bears, wolfs and so on. [21:31] * neko-mon * slimes and smiles =P [21:31] * Rotonen * though they aren't as animate as ours, they still have a logical basis [21:32] * Modanung * Crush: Yea, would could have some [21:32] * ElvenProgrammer * Crush: if someone is able to create them, sure [21:32] * maci * hm i just wish i'd have a scanner [21:32] * Crush * and badgers of course. i want a map with badgers, mushrooms and snakes! [21:32] * maci * i could throw out some concept art [21:33] * Modanung * Oh, we've got a huge killer rabbit in progress, right? [21:33] * Crush * a killer rabit? why not? [21:33] * neko-mon * i have a scanner =D i'd like to make some concept before try to draw some sprites [21:33] * maci * Modanung: heh reminds me of a month python film [21:33] * Crush * a huge mutant zombie killer rabit? [21:33] * Modanung * maci: Ofcourse, I would have added 'killer' if I hadn't thought about that film :P [21:34] * Modanung * Crush: I like cute mutant vegetarian zombie rabbits better. :) [21:35] * Rotonen * no killer rabbits unless there is a wizard named tim around [21:35] * Crush * how about cute mutant vegetarian CYBORG zombie rabbits? [21:35] * Modanung * Rotonen: Don't forget the almighty Bob [21:35] * Modanung * Anyway... [21:35] * Rotonen * "perhaps in the sequel" [21:35] * Modanung * We're going pretty offtopic here [21:35] * Rotonen * indeed [21:36] * Modanung * ElvenProgrammer: Where's your authorytah? [21:36] * Crush * ok, lets get back to the topic forest monsters [21:36] * ElvenProgrammer * aritsts should be free to free their creativity :P [21:36] * Crush * how about something more humanoid? [21:37] * Crush * heretic elves who protect their forest agains the human intruders? [21:37] * Rotonen * dunno about humanoid things just yet [21:37] * Rotonen * it's safer to use non-humanoid monsters [21:37] * Rotonen * because humanoid monsters should in essence be other players [21:37] * ElvenProgrammer * yeah let's stick witha animals, at least gnomes ;) [21:37] * Crush * how about goblins? [21:37] * Crush * gnomes? why not... [21:38] * Modanung * Evil mutant zombie gnome necromancers? [21:38] * Crush * YES! [21:39] * neko-mon * =/ tmw is getting futuristc [21:39] * Modanung * neko-mon: Why? [21:39] * Modanung * Mutation is the essence of life, don't tell me it's futuristic :P [21:40] * MrLindeijer * Off to home, bye! [21:40] * Modanung * MrLindeijer: Bye [21:40] * Crush * we are just doing some brainstorming. stupid ideas are a productive part of brainstorming [21:40] * neko-mon * nuclear mutations xD [21:40] * ElvenProgrammer * bye MrLindeijer [21:41] * Modanung * neko-mon: Nuclear radiation is very natural :P [21:41] * Crush * nuclear mutadet cyber gnomes! :D [21:41] * Crush * no we are getting too freaky now [21:41] * Modanung * Ok... now we're getting futuristic [21:41] * Modanung * As long as they don't wear plastic underwear I'm down [21:41] * neko-mon * lets stop in at zombies rabitts... [21:41] * Crush * how about fairys? [21:42] * ElvenProgrammer * i suggest everyone to look at wiki tomorrow, i'll add some stuff and update with everything you come up with [21:42] * ElvenProgrammer * Crush: sure [21:42] * Modanung * How about ferries? [21:42] * Modanung * And fairgrounds? [21:42] * neko-mon * =D u're so creative elven [21:42] * Modanung * And very fair hunting grounds? [21:42] * ElvenProgrammer * neko-mon: i am? [21:42] * neko-mon * sure [21:44] * ElvenProgrammer * something else to discuss? have you understood your tasks? [21:45] * Modanung * ElvenProgrammer: My task is to obey [21:45] * Crush * so do we meet again at the same time in a week? [21:45] * ElvenProgrammer * Crush: exactly [21:45] * neko-mon * ElvenProgrammer: Do I have a task? [21:46] * ElvenProgrammer * neko-mon: mushroom? [21:46] * Modanung * ElvenProgrammer: I can't come next week [21:46] * Rotonen * and btw before anyone leaves, STAY HERE 24/7 :) [21:46] * neko-mon * ohh, i got it [21:46] * maci * hehe [21:46] * Modanung * ElvenProgrammer: I'll be at the youthcentre again working behind the bar [21:46] * Rotonen * just leave your irc client on if possible [21:46] * ElvenProgrammer * Modanung: ok but i will expect updates during the week ;P [21:46] * ElvenProgrammer wipes out his whip [21:46] * Modanung * And read ALL the crap that people talk about!!! [21:47] * Modanung * ElvenProgrammer: You can expect whatever you want [21:47] * Modanung * ElvenProgrammer: I'll get to something [21:47] * ElvenProgrammer * kk [21:47] * ElvenProgrammer * good boy :P [21:47] * Modanung * I'll leave tomorrow to see Christel... this nice girl yadayadayada... [21:48] * Modanung * And I'll probably be back by saturday evening. [21:48] * ElvenProgrammer * don't have too much sex, i need you full of energy [21:49] * Modanung * As 'Digger & The Pussycats' put it... I hope for you she's my "Dr. Frankenstein" [21:49] # The topic is 'The Mana World Art - When Art Meets Developers :) - WARNING: next artists meeting 15th Sep 19 GMT (Your presence is required!) -' (set by ElvenProgrammer) [21:52] * ElvenProgrammer * ok if noone else has got something relevant to say i guess we can close this first successful artists meeting [21:52] * ElvenProgrammer * if someone of you (except MrLindeijer) has got the log please give it to me or put it on wiki so i can start working on updating the docs [21:53] * neko-mon * hehehe i came so late ^^ [21:53] * Modanung * ElvenProgrammer: He missed his bus [21:54] * Modanung * ElvenProgrammer: Maybe he'll be back in a minute [21:54] * ElvenProgrammer * lol [21:54] < Crush has left [21:54] * Modanung * First we'll have some fluid [21:55] * Modanung * ElvenProgrammer: Then again... his laptop is in his bag, so maybe he'll just spend the next hour drinking, eating and talking [21:55] * ElvenProgrammer * lol [22:21] * ElvenProgrammer * oh we forgot about plants, an evil flower could do the trick and it's esier since it doesn't require walking sprites [22:21] * ElvenProgrammer * *easier