From The Mana World
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==[[Item Reference/Christmas_Items|Christmas]]==
==[[Item Reference/Christmas_Items|Christmas]]==
No recent additions
{| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="100%" align="center" class="wikitable sortable"
! style="background:#efdead;" | Image
! style="background:#efdead;" | Name
! style="background:#efdead;" | ID
! style="background:#efdead;" | Price<br>BUY/Sell
! style="background:#efdead;" | Weight
! style="background:#efdead;" | Description
! style="background:#efdead;" | Rarity
| align="center" | [[Image:Generic-yellowpresentbox.png]]
| Yellow Present Box
| align="center" | [4021]
| align="right" | 20 GP<br>10 gp
| align="center" | 10
| Something mysterious inside?
| Frequent drop
| align="center" | [[Image:Generic-whitepresentbox.png]]
| White Present Box
| align="center" | [4022]
| align="right" | 20 GP<br>10 gp
| align="center" | 10
| Something very mysterious inside.
| Rare drop

==[[Item Reference/Halloween_Items|Halloween]]==
==[[Item Reference/Halloween_Items|Halloween]]==

Revision as of 23:51, 21 December 2010

This article contains information for players or people interested in playing The Mana World rEvolt. If you're interested for the Classic game, please go to the Classic portal.

Re-created page on December 19 2010 by Napalm.

This article contains information for players or people interested in playing on the Classic server. If you are looking for information for The Mana World, go here The Mana World.
See also the Classic Portal

This article is for reference purpose

The features described in this article are already implemented in the game. The article should describe how a certain aspect of the game currently works. You may of course edit this article to improve the description of the circumstances. Your opinions or improvement suggestions about the described aspects themself are of course appreciated, too. But please put these on the discussion page of this article to keep facts and fiction separated.

Note: Items listed on these pages may not yet be available in-game.

Rarity is determined as follows:

  • Buyable (Can be bought through a NPC)
  • Craftable (Can be made through a NPC)
  • Dyeable
  • Frequently Dropped (>1%)
  • Rarely dropped (≤1%)
  • No longer obtainable (Stuff which was once dropped by monsters or could be obtained through a temporary event quest)
  • Quest (Item can be gained through a permanent quest reward)

If you plan on updating any of the pages, A link to the most up to date item database and Item Descriptions File, a link for the item picture database.


The items here are for the new, up-and-coming, merged server, and not for The Mana World Classic. If you are looking for the items for the Classic game, then click the link, and go to the bottom right corner, and select the Classic game link.


No player is complete without a trusty weapon to aid them in their adventures. Some weapons can be used while holding a shield, but other weapons require two hands in order to use.


These items provide varying levels of protection from enemy attacks, and sometimes lessen certain types of attacks. You are allowed to wear one of each type of armor at one time.

For your quick reference, here's the items that have been added in the last 6 months. Click on the title to see all of the items in its category:

Health Items

No recent additions

Status Items

No recent additions

1-Handed Weapons

No recent additions

2-Handed Weapons

No recent additions


Image Name ID Damage Price
Weight Description Rarity
Weapon-arrow-bonearrows.png Bone Arrows [1282] 25 ? GP
20 gp
0 Arrows made from bone. Not much different from the normal variety, but are much lighter. No longer obtainable

Head Armor

Image Name ID Defense Magic Attack malus/bonus Price
Weight Description Rarity
Armor-head-operamask.png Opera Mask [1276] 3 ? ? GP
500 gp
50 Pale and broken. There is surely a story to be told here. No longer obtainable
Armor-head-jestermask.png Jester Mask [1277] 3 ? ? GP
500 gp
50 Laughter with bells on. No longer obtainable
Armor-head-witchhat.png Witch Hat [1278] 3 ? ? GP
500 gp
50 Big, dark, and pointy. It looks a bit out of place. No longer obtainable
Armor-head-goblinmask.png Goblin Mask [1279] 3 ? ? GP
500 gp
50 A strange dark mask. Who knows what lurks behind it? No longer obtainable
Armor-head-guyfawkesmask.png Guy Fawkes Mask [769] 5 ? ? GP
500 gp
30 The famous Guy Fawkes mask. No longer obtainable
Armor-head-fairyhat.png Fairy Hat [770] 5 -10 2,000 GP
1,000 gp
20 The famous hat worn by Robin Hood.
Bonus: Luck +3
Bandit Quest

Leg Armor

No recent additions

Chest Armor

Image Name ID Defense Magic Attack malus/bonus Price
Weight Description Rarity
Armor-forest.png Forest Armor [782] 10 -20 3,000 GP
1,500 gp
40 A clean and comfortable mantle with dags made for the finest stalkers. Bandit Quest

Foot Armor

No recent additions


No recent additions


No recent additions


No recent additions


No recent additions


No recent additions


No recent additions


Image Name ID Price
Weight Description Rarity
Generic-yellowpresentbox.png Yellow Present Box [4021] 20 GP
10 gp
10 Something mysterious inside? Frequent drop
Generic-whitepresentbox.png White Present Box [4022] 20 GP
10 gp
10 Something very mysterious inside. Rare drop


Image Name ID Price
Weight Description Rarity
Generic-tongue.png Tongue [3004] ? GP
1 gp
5 A horrible, slimy tongue. No longer obtainable
Generic-tonoridelight.png Tonori Delight [3006] ? GP
1 gp
2 A softly-scented jelly-like treat, dusted with the sweet white sands of Eastern Tonori. No longer obtainable
Generic-marshmallow.png Marshmallow [3007] ? GP
1 gp
2 Flavoured with real marshmallow root. No longer obtainable
Generic-jellyskull.png Jelly Skull [3009] ? GP
1 gp
2 Like a jelly bean, but in the shape of skull. No longer obtainable
Generic-candypumpkin.png Candy Pumpkin [3010] ? GP
1 gp
2 With a squishy interior inside a hard, crunchy shell, this sweet has a warm and delcious pumpkin flavour. No longer obtainable
Generic-jackolantern.png Jack-o-Lantern [3000] ? GP
100 gp
1000 A pumpkin that has been carved into a super-scary face for Hallowe'en. No longer obtainable
Generic-rubberbat.png Rubber Bat [3001] ? GP
100 gp
30 Squeaks when you squeeze it. No longer obtainable
Generic-realisticbrain.png Realistic Brain [3002] ? GP
100 gp
50 This brain sure is realistic. No longer obtainable
Generic-jarofblood.png Jar Of Blood [3003] ? GP
100 gp
375 Just the thing to scare the kids at Hallowe'en. No longer obtainable
Generic-scissors.png Scissors [1280] ? GP
500 gp
20 A pair of awkward and unwieldy scissors. No longer obtainable
Generic-shocksweet.png Shock Sweet [1281] ? GP
500 gp
5 It'll turn your hair white! No longer obtainable


No recent additions

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