From The Mana World
m (add logging information and new commands)
(→‎Command reference: add @invisible and @visible)
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* @log - Log a string; can also use @l
* @log - Log a string; can also use @l
* @tee - Same as @log, but also sends the text out to normal chat; can also use @t
* @tee - Same as @log, but also sends the text out to normal chat; can also use @t
* @invisible - Makes you completely invisible
* @visible - Turns off invisibility

The information above is based on the conf/help.txt
The information above is based on the conf/help.txt

Revision as of 14:38, 7 May 2009

Being a GM (game master) is a responsible job. In part, your actions affect what the community will be like. Hence, here are some basic guidelines to help you make decisions.

General guidelines

  1. Use your own common sense. You are a GM because we have trust in your judgment.

Enforcing the rules

Rules and punishment for breaking them

The primary job of a GM is to keep people happy with the game by enforcing The Rules. Standard punishment for each rule varies:

1. Do not abuse other players (insults, swearing, and the like directed to a particular person or persons)

Punishment: ...

2. No bots (and botting means ANY activity while away from keyboard)

Punishment: Permanent ban.

3. No spamming / flooding (including trade spam)

Punishment: ...

4. No begging

Punishment: ...

5. Speak English on public chat

Punishment: ...

6. Treat others the same way you would like to be treated

Punishment: Not applicable, this rule is not enforcable.

Keeping track of who is banned, why and when

Probably we should have some organization between GMs that allows them to know what happened, since eAthena doesn't provide this kind of meta-information. Maybe a page on the wiki? --Bjørn 14:00, 6 November 2008 (CET)
Or maybe a sticky in the forum Court house? --Vink 14:08, 6 November 2008 (CET)
Remember to consider which information is public and which is not. (I hardly know a thing about this myself, except that there exists protections for individual integrity, I suspect it comes down to what laws and which conventions Poland has signed since the server is located there.) ✎ Kess☽ 14:13, 6 November 2008 (CET)

Responding to banned players

Once banned, a player often comes to ask to be unbanned. ...

Court House (Abuse Forum)


Command reference

There are many command commands GMs use. All of them are logged. Here's a selection of the more important ones:

  • @ban
time usage: adjustment (+/- value) and element (y, m, d, h, mn, s)
  • @unban <name> - Unban an account
  • @charreset <name> - Reset stats AND skills of a character.
  • @charbaselvl <#> <name> - Adjust a character's base level, a number of 1 ADDS a level and -1 takes a level.
  • @spawn <monster_name_or_monster_ID> [<number to spawn>]
  • @hide - Make yourself invisible to monsters and on the list of users online.
  • @warp <map> <x> <y> - Warps you to map at location. Eg. @warp new_3-1 30 30
  • @charwarp <map> <x> <y> <name> - Same as above, only warps a player
  • @recall <name> - Warps player to you
  • @goto <name> - Warps you to the player
  • @die - Kills your char
  • @log - Log a string; can also use @l
  • @tee - Same as @log, but also sends the text out to normal chat; can also use @t
  • @invisible - Makes you completely invisible
  • @visible - Turns off invisibility

The information above is based on the conf/help.txt