From The Mana World
m (Added `summon-partner' spell note)
m (Jaxad0127 moved page Rune combination to Archive:Rune combination without leaving a redirect)
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! Further description
! Further description
| [[Races#Elementals|Elemental]]
| [[Man#Elementals|Elemental]]
| medium
| medium
| low
| low
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| Summons an aggressive elemental spirit that attacks enemies, the caster and its party members alike (other players should only be attacked in pvp zones to avoid griefplay)
| Summons an aggressive elemental spirit that attacks enemies, the caster and its party members alike (other players should only be attacked in pvp zones to avoid griefplay)
| [[Races#Golems|Golem]]
| [[Man#Golems|Golem]]
| high
| high
| high
| high

Latest revision as of 21:27, 1 July 2013

This proposal has been accepted

The development team has discussed the contents of this article and has decided that it should be implemented as described. But the implementation is not finished yet. You can help to bring the features described here into the game.

The spell runes that can be engraved in equipment to cast spells (see Magic system) each represent a word in the ancient language of magic. In the runewriting language each words is represented by a single rune which is a combination of multiple syllable runes.

The syllable runes can be learned through quests. A spellcaster can combine the learned syllable runes to spell runes in a special GUI window. When she found a valid combination she can save this combination to engrave it into equipment. When wearing equipment with runes engraved by someone else that contain syllables unknown to the spellcaster she can not use these spells (the meaning of the runes is unknown to her and thus she can not read them).


Mana Cost
The total mana energy needed to recharge the spell (see Magic system)
How many rune slots the finished rune will take up in equipment. The slots of all rune particles are added.
The skill level requirement of the spell rune. The requirements of all particles are added.

Note that all numbers on this page are only guesses. In practice they will most likely require a lot of fine tuning through beta testing to get the perfect game balance.

Effect syllables

Every finished spell rune needs one effect syllable. It determines what kind of damage the spell inflicts, how much basic damage and the basic mana cost. The first effect syllable should be acquired through the tutorial (I suggest heat). The others are accquired through one long series of quests for each element. These quests should be very straight-forward and easy to follow (although not necessarily easy to complete) because the effect syllables are very important for the progress of a spellcaster character.

Element Name Slots Level damage cost
Fire Heat 1 0 10 10
Flame 2 20 20 30
Fire 3 40 40 100
Hellfire 4 60 80 300
Water Bubble 1 0 10 10
Splash 2 20 20 30
Water 3 40 40 100
Tsunami 4 60 80 300
Earth Sand 1 0 10 10
Mud 2 20 20 30
Earth 3 40 40 100
Stone 4 60 80 300
Air Wind 1 0 10 10
Tornado 2 20 20 30
Air 3 40 40 100
Sonic 4 60 80 300

Combined effect syllables

Two effect syllables with the same slot number, damage and mana cost that do different elemental damage can be combined to one effect syllable of a combined element. All properties stay the same but the element is a combined one.

Element Rune 1 Rune 2 Combined
Metal Heat Sand Spike
Flame Mud Blade
Fire Earth Metal
Hellfire Stone Razor
Lightning Wind Heat Spark
Tornado Flame Volt
Air Fire Lightning
Sonic Hellfire Thunder
Ice Bubble Wind Cold
Splash Tornado Frost
Water Air Ice
Tzunami Sonic Blizzard
Nature Sand Bubble Thorn
Mud Splash Poison
Earth Water Nature
Stone Tzunami Acid

Application syllable

Each finished rune can, but doesn't has to, include one application syllable. This rune decides the area of effect of the spell. They also affect the mana cost, damage of the spell, cast time and after cast delay. Usually the easier to use the higher the mana cost and the lower the damage.

Application syllables are learned from wizard NPCs. The NPCs are usually not hard to find and will usually send the character on a short quest before he will teach it to the character.

Attack spells

Rune cost damage level slots cast time cooldown time description
None 1.0 1.0 +0 +0 low low When no application syllable is used the attack becomes a touch-range attack that only affects an enemy that is exactly in front of the character.
Bolt 1.2 0.8 +5 +0 low medium The bolt syllable makes the spell a projectile that flies forward and hits the first enemy it collides with. It is slightly weaker and costlier than a touch attack but much more usable. The bolt rune should be the first application syllable a new character obtains so that a new mage has the choice between using its first effect syllable as touch attack or as bolt attack.
Ray Hits all enemies that stand in a line from the caster to the targeted point.
Cone Hits all enemies in a 45° angle in front of the caster.
Ball Medium Medium Projectile that causes a small area of effect.
Blast Medium High Free positioned, small area of effect.
Storm High High Free-positioned, large area of effect.
Nova Medium Medium small AoE around caster.
Inferno large AoE around caster.
Apocalypse extremely large AoE around caster.
Strike An attack for spellcaster/fighter crossclass characters. The character performs a normal attack with the currently equipped weapon. Hitting and dodging are calculated normally. The attack deals magical damage with the element of the effect particle and calculated by a special formula that includes weapon damage, weapon skill, spell damage, spell skill, strength and willpower.

Support spells

Support spells improve the combat powers of allies or decrease the combat powers of enemies. Note that a spell which decreases the enemies attributes directly is absent. This is intentional - there is an enhancement syllable to add an attribute decrease effect to an attack spell.

Rune cost level slots cast time cooldown time description
Soul A spell with touch-range which gives the affected creature an elemental modifier and thus makes it more vulnerable to one element but less vulnerable to another. Depending on the situation this can either be a positive or a negative effect. The effect time depends on the casters magical attack while the height of the elemental modifier depends on the grade of the effect rune:
  • grade 1 - 1.25
  • grade 2 - 1.50
  • grade 3 - 2.00
  • grade 4 - 3.00
Barrier A supportive spell with touch-range which creates a protective shield around another being which persists for a limited amount of time. Some of the shields have a negative side effect on the victim allowing to use them offensive.

To avoid griefplay characters should always be able to dispell a barrier which has been cast on them by a friendly or neutral character.

Only one barrier can be active at the same time. Before a new barrier can be cast on the same character the old one has to expire or has to be dispelled. Its effect depends on the used element syllable. Enhancement syllables can not be added to barrier runes.

Creates a firestorm around the character which damages nearby enemies.
Creates a bubble around the character allowing it to breath under water.
A solid force field protects from physical attacks but also lowers physical attack power.
Creates a whirlwind around the character which increases its evade a lot but also lowers its own hit chance.
Summons blades which fly around the character. Whenever an enemy in a quite large radius around the character attacks it one of the blades flys towards the attacker and inflicts damage. (long-range counter attack)
A mental force field protects from magical attacks but also lowers magical attack power.
Encloses the target in a block of ice making it almost immune to physical and magical damage but unable to move, attack or act in any way.
Engulfes the target in thorny vines which don't hinder movement but deal damage to everyone who attacks the target in close combat (short-range counter attack)
Blessing A spell which increases an derived attribute of an ally

Summon spells

These spells summon creatures that aid the caster in battle. Every summoned creature consumes part of the mana regeneration of the character it was summoned by. Thus the number of creatures that can be summoned at the same time is limited. The caster receives experience for the magic skill used to summon the creatures when they contribute to killing a monster.

Spell cast time cooldown time controllable Further description
Elemental medium low no Summons an aggressive elemental spirit that attacks enemies, the caster and its party members alike (other players should only be attacked in pvp zones to avoid griefplay)
Golem high high yes Summons a golem that follows and protects the caster (maybe can be commanded to some extend). Should require expensive ingredients to create.

Enhancement syllables

Enhancement syllables give an attack spell more exotic properties but usully make it weaker and costlier. Any number of enhancement syllables can be used for a rune. They can not be applied to support spells.

The quests to obtain these syllables are all hidden very well and usually require some thinking outside of the box to complete.

Rune cost damage effect
silent 200% 50% When a silent spell is cast it can not be seen by other characters. They only see that they are damaged but not what causes the damage.
vampiric 150% 75% 10% of the hit points lost through this spell are given to the caster.
illusionary 10% 0% This is the only enhancement particle that makes the spell (a lot!) cheaper instead of more expensive. An illusionary spell appears like a real one to other players but does no damage. Useful as a distraction in PvP combat. How can that guy cast ten enforced fire storms in a row? Oh, I see, they are all illusionary. *ouch* ok, this one wasn't
enforced 200% 100% Halves the enemies magical defence.
creeping 120% 200% Deals damage over time instead of instant damage. The total damage is higher but inflicted in small portions of 4% every second for 25 seconds.
cursed 150% 75% Inflicts an additional attribute loss in addition to the normal damage. What attribute is affected and how much depends on the effect particle.
quick 150% 75% Reduced casting time and after cast delay.

Healing spells

I would like to take the healing spells out of the elemental scheme und use a separate skill for them. Putting all healing spells in one elemental discipline would make this extremely overused because I believe almost every spellcaster would attempt to accquire healing spells. Spreading all healing spells over the whole elemental spectrum would be difficult to balance and would be a disadvantage for dedicated healers.

For that reason all healing spells are not combinations of syllables but stand-alone runes.

Spell Element Effect Target cast time cooldown time Further description
Lay hands neutral heal untargeted low low Basic healing spell. Heals the character standing right in front of the caster. The low range makes it impractical in combat.
Heal neutral heal single medium medium Less efficient than lay hands but because it can be used at distance it is more practical in combat and it can be cast on oneself.
Regeneration neutral heal over time single medium medium Heals more than heal but takes more time.
Aura neutral heal untargeted, persistent high high Creates a healing aura around the caster that slowly heals everyone around. Doesn't affect the caster.
Revive neutral restore single high high Attempts to revive a dead character that has not returned to its spawn point yet. The healing skill level of the caster must be higher than the total character level of the target to be successful.
Detox neutral restore untargeted high low Attempts to remove a status effect that falls in the category "poisons" from the character standing in front of the caster.
Decurse neutral restore untargeted high low Attempts to removes a status effect that falls in the category "curses" (like most attribute decrease spells) from the character standing in front of the caster.
Disinfect neutral restore untargeted high low Attempts to removes a status effect that falls in the category "diseases" from the character standing in front of the caster.

Unsorted Spells

Below are spells planned or implemented for eAthena that are not covered by the above:

  • Transmute X to Y (partially used as quest spell)
  • Aggravate
  • Detect Magic (quest spell)
  • Flying backpack (temporarily eliminate penalties for heavy equipment)
  • Happy Curse and variations (force player to emote for a while)
  • Shroud (hide name from other players until the player picks up an item or talks)
  • Reveal (cancel Shroud)
  • Detect Players (list nearby players)
  • Wind (`push' creatures in a predefined region)
  • Burrow/Ascend (special-purpose Teleport that moves upwards/downwards in certain regions; partly quest spell)
  • Delayed Teleport (teleport back to casting location after short period of time)
  • Peace (non-highlevel aggressive monsters stop attacking unless provoked or unless they were already provoked, for a while)
  • Teleport
  • Summon partner (summons the caster's partner, for married couples, if online)

Spell naming

The finished spell is named "[Enhancement syllable] [effect syllable] [application syllable]". Examples:

Bubble                      Bubble
Fire + Bolt                 Fire Bolt
Flame + Inferno + enforced  Enforced Flame Inferno
Fire + Air + Nova           Lightning Nova