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This article collects information regarding the conceptualisation of the gameplay of The Mana World

This article is currently only a proposal

The features or design guidelines described in this article are only a proposal made by one or some persons. It has not been evaluated or accepted by the core development team yet. Feel free to add your personal opinion about them or make counter proposals.

Currencies of the 6 kingdoms

Each of the 6 kingdoms has it's own currency, which is used by it and the outlying villages surrounding it. The currencies each have separate, scalable values.

  • Bronze Coin - 1 - This currency is not used anywhere, it's just a dummy currency to which others are compared. The number shown is how many bronze coins one unit of the currency is worth.
  • Sequins - 3 - The desert kingdom of Tulimshar uses these thin metal plates, about 4 centimeters wide, for trading. They have an opalescent sheen.
  • Kaite - 1/2 - The black shell of the forest Armadillo is used as a currency in the forest kingdom of Shimris. It is broken down into small, square chips about 2 cm wide and painted with the official seal of the kingdom.
  • Cubes - 8 - These rough cubes are about 2 centimeters long. They appear to be leftover from some older civilization, and are traced with lines and diagrams that may fit together into some sort of puzzle, if they were all again reassembled. Used in the kingdom at the edge of the world, Toukai.
  • Notes - 2 - The island kingdom of Sonbrand issues a paper currency to its citizens, featuring the national insignia of the kingdom. Very dificult to replicate, even by mechanical means.
  • Greystone - 6 - Hewn from the earth, these gems are tumbled into a flat chip-shape and used by the citizens of the mountain kingdom Mudoha as a currency.
  • Scrips - 1/4 - A highly deflated paper currency used by the kingdom of Abbana. This low value is due in part to the fact that they are easily reproducable, and that the kingdom is not always willing to back them.

Fluctuating currencies?

The exchange rates between the currencies might fluctuate, while the prices in each country stay the same (npc's only accept the currency of their kingdom but there are npc's everywhere that can exchange money). That way people can earn (or lose) money by trading between kingdoms or by exchanging their money into other currencies at the right time. The value of a currency should go up when people buy something with it and down when people sell something for it (including other currencies). That way the system would auto balance itself by global trading and it wouldn't be possible to exploit it on the long term.

a good formula for the exchange value of a currency would be 1/(log(x+1)) where x is the ammount of money npc's gave to players divided through the ammount of money spent at npc's.

Bear's input

From what i can see, the main currency will be the GP/Gold Point i believe. With GP, people will be able to:

  • Buy items
  • Trade for items
  • Activate quests
  • Advance job class to Gambler

GP can be acquired by fighting monsters and to sell their spoils. Also can be gained for finishing a quest. Also found in treasure boxes?

One common currency

The same currency for the whole world.

  • Bronze coins
  • Silver coins
  • Gold coins

  • 25 Bronze coins make one silver coin
  • 50 silver coins make a golden coin

Bahamut81: I'd prefer this system, though it's a little antiquated in MMORPGs. It's main advantage is it's clearness, compared to the proprosed more complex currency system. I think it's more motivating to gain your first silver coin compared to getting your 50th GP, too. Also, it keeps values easier to judge and they probably stay more even (Compare 3 Gold 13 Silver to 4075 GP). I'd prefer ratios which are rather plain, like 1:100:10,000 . Sorry, but I also don't like the fluctuating curreny system, as I despise every kind of speculation.

HABARI: Krons (made of gold) goldins (made of platinium) roondis (made of silver) mips (made of bronze) the relation is 10-10-10-10