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| Please, try not to be chaotic when editing, try to keep the format, and don't create derived articles for your guilds. Here you have enough space to make your guilds.
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| ==The Holy Mana Clan== | | === The Mana World: rEvolt === |
| | Work in progress. |
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| '''The Holy Mana clan mission statement.'''
| | === The Mana World: Legacy === |
| | [[Player Groups]] are also called guilds. Players in a guild have a private global chat that only members of that guild can use, just like the chat tab for [[Party|parties]]. The guild system currently in use is managed by a [[Guild (Bot)]], which means that all actions, like inviting new members, are directed through him. When your guild chat tab is missing it's most likely because [[Guild (Bot)]] is offline. |
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| '''Our purpose'''
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| The holy mana clan is created mainly to add another flavor to the game. The idea is to have a social network between players for the purpose of organizing in-game events as well as for helping newer players find their way. Membership is completely free. That means it doesn't matter whether you play one hour a week or 5 hours a day. Inactive players might be put on ghost status after a while, but they can immediately be put back once they are active again. Secondly that means you can quit the clan whenever you get tired of it, no strings attached. And finally it also means we do not ask for fees. Prizes for events will depend on donations of "richer" members. We used to keep a registry of the donated gold and items on-line, so people could check and see that this isn't just a scam to make money, but it became to time consuming as the clan grew bigger.
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| '''Our policy'''
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| Although the purpose of the clan is to make the game more fun, we are serious about our image. If members of the clan act obnoxious it will reflect poorly on all members. Therefore we have a strict policy; we will not accept known trouble makers and we will not hesitate to ban those who are destroying the concept. The idea is to unite as an open group and enjoy the game under the banner with integrity, not to create a closed group that acts superior to non-members. So be on your best behavior.
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| '''Our future'''
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| Since our options are quite limited on the current server we obviously only have a small influence on the game and on gameplay. Yet we are hoping that we can build this clan to a respectable size by the time new options become available. Until then we will probably keep an easygoing mood, and hold our best ideas for later.
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| '''For more informations such as:'''
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| *'''member list''' (more then 250 members; half is active, the other half drops in once in a while)
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| *'''news about events and meetings'''(join the fun)
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| *'''How to join, and clan-policy'''
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| *'''Contacting other members by forum or IRC''' (ask for advice or help, or just get to know each other)
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| *'''Screenshots and videos'''
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| *'''Walktrough''' (quests, stat-configuration, useful tips; more up to date than wiki)
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| *'''Usefull links''' (who's online, top stats, manabay, forums, player homesites, ...)
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| '''visit us at: [http://holymanaclan.webs.com/ http://holymanaclan.webs.com/]'''
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| '''Contacting the leaders'''
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| Every clan is supposed to have leaders and members, to prevent chaos. Although some of them have authority and some don't; the clan needs both of them to survive! Luckily the leaders of this clan are open to suggestions of their members. Is there anything you would like the clan to have, something about the clan you dislike? Do you have any questions? Do you want your home page or favorite page to be added to our "links" page? Do you have any suggestions for the web page or forum? Do you want to be notified of upcoming events? Do you think we could use your help with something you're good at? Do you have a nice screenshot you want to add? For all those things we made a clan e-mail address:
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| TheHolyManaClan@gmail.com
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| ==The Warriors of Mana==
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| Welcome to Warriors Of Mana we are a new clan that is made for all player to just have a time to be a warrior. As you notice there are only a few clans that have "raids" and such so we are here to give you want most people want/need. We are here for all you people that have a hard time with xp, so we can help you every so often with your leveling!
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| If you would like to join just read the section on our home page entitled "joining
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| Email: warriorsofmana@gmail.com
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| Leader: Zalika
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| [http://warriorsofmana.webs.com/ Warriors of Mana Website]
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| ==ManaMasters==
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| ManaMasters are a new guild that holds regular meetings Fridays at 4:00 UTC. ManaMasters hold raids and other events for all players to enjoy.
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| Leader: Tametomo.
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| [http://manamasters.weebly.com/index.html ManaMasters Website]
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| ==Los Caballeros de Arkim (LCDA)==
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| Our clan is for players that speak in spanish. There are many mysteries surrounding this clan, founded by four noble knights. A manuscript, tells his story in original language:
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| '''Our history'''
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| ''El pasado del hermitaño Arkim es uno oscuro y con muchas lagunas. Nadie sabe realmente cuál es su origen, su edad, ni porqué, supuestamente en lo que parece ser su avanzada edad, se convirtió en un hermitaño en una cueva al oeste de Hurnsfald. La leyenda cuenta que Arkim ha sido visto en esta cueva desde hace aproximadamente 100 años. Arkim no habla de nada con nadie, salvo que sea para ayudar a quienes se aventuran en la cueva a salir de ella. Entrar a la cueva es sumamente facil. Pero para salir de ella, solo se puede con la ayuda de Arkim y su magia. Solo el puede transportar a los aventureros fuera de la cueva.
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| ''Si bien el pasado de Arkim es desconocido para muchos, no lo es para todos. Aunque quienes sabemos, no sabemos todos sus secretos. Sino solamente lo que concierne a nuestra existencia. La existencia de La Orden De Los Caballeros De Arkim.
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| ''Se cuenta que Arkim fue un poderoso Caballero Mágico que conquistó tierras lejanas, derrotó a legiones militares enteras, y luchó contra seres sobrenaturales. Se cuenta que en una de estas batallas con un dios, este lo derrotó y le impuso una terrible maldición. Lo confinó eternamente a en una cueva y a un estado de ser en el que el tiempo no correria sobre su existencia mientras permaneciera adentro de la cueva. Pero si osaba intentar salir de esta cueva, el tiempo perdido correria de golpe sobre el, lo que lo haria morir. Pero Arkim, luego de 200 años de encierro, decidió intentar salir de la cueva. En su intento solo consiguió envejecer de golpe en unos pocos momentos. Se apresuró rapidamente al interior de la cueva antes de morir. Y desde entonces ahi ha estado desde hace 100 años. Otro intento de salir, seguramente le costará la vida. 300 años de maldición ha sufrido Arkim.
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| ''Con los pocos poderes mágicos que aún le quedaban, envió al mundo exterior un mensajero creado de su propia alma, con la misión de buscar a 4 jóvenes que tuvieran las virtudes de Coraje, Honor y Disciplina. El mensajero finalmente encontró a estos 4 jóvenes y los trajo a Arkim. Sus nombres son: OneShot_ARG, Liulfr Einheri, Montecristo, y Gekko.
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| ''He aquà el nacimiento de La Gran Hermandad Y Noble Orden Del Maestro Arkim De Los Caballeros De Arkim. Arkim ha confiado a estos 4 caballeros la misión de construir una Orden de nobles caballeros para asi continuar su Legado.
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| ''Cuál es el propósito de esta Orden? Que secretos guarda? Solo quién se gane la total Confianza de la Orden podrá conocer estos misterios. Misterios que, ni siquiera nosotros, los 4 caballeros originarios de la Orden, conocemos completamente...''
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| '''Our Purpose'''
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| *To defend the interests of Spanish-speaking players.
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| *To promote mutual support and solidarity among the players members.
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| *To accept the current server in the "Spanish" as co-official languages, or, alternatively, to mount a server speaking the same project.
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| '''Our Tactics'''
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| *Promote partnerships to Hispanic players in our clan, for many, strong and influential.
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| '''Our Leaders'''
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| *OneShot_ARG
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| *Liulfr Einheri
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| *Montecristo
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| *Gekko
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| '''Join us or Contact'''
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| The web for contact or join in our clan is: [http://caballerosdearkim.webs.com/ http://caballerosdearkim.webs.com/]
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| == Shadow Dancers ==
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| Our clan is built around two things: trust and strength. If our sisters cannot trust each other to assist when needed then a lack of strength is apparent.
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| Our mission is to create a band of strong females who not just look pretty but do it while leaping into combat. Obviously we are more likely to recruit females, but if a male does wish to join our ranks he must be ready to treat each of the other sisters as an equal, not as a damsel in distress. The Shadow Dancers act as a family, when one member requires assistance on a quest we assist, we battle together, and we watch out for each member.
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| '''Requirements to join:''' Atleast level 30, Female (Male prospects must first either make a donation towards the clan to help out the other members or prove themselves)
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| Contact Nadja either by whisper or you can usually find her in the Hurnscald Bar
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| == Ye olde archer's fellowship ==
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| Our Fellowship provides ingame help and is working on our own support homepage, http://yoaf.org.
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| For the moment, we provide english hints (http://hawkmoon.yoaf.org) and german hints (http://corum.yoaf.org).
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| For questions, whisper ingame in '''german''' or english to Corum (/w Corum Hi!), in '''swedish''' or english to nival1s (/w nival1s Hi!) or in '''malayan''' or english to Erienne (/w Erienne Hi!).
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| For contact, please write an email to corum at yoaf dot org
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| ==[http://thesilverorder.webs.com/ The Knights of the Silver Order]== | |
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| To transcend darkness, there are the few that search for light. Where chaos reigns, there are the few that offer order. Knights of the Silver Order are a guild within the MMORPG "The Mana World". Formed during the great social experiment of 2009, the Knights aim to offer truth and guidance and aim to combat the forces of despair. With the Game Masters removed from the realm, we seek to offer integrity to world, help player's settle disputes, give suggestions to our creators and report transgressions against the rules of The Mana World.
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| Our Code:
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| - We seek to exemplify to our peers the highest of integrity. The rules of the world must be followed by those that would join our order.
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| - We can not tolerate charlatans in our midst. None from our order shall mislead others, be they fellow world travelers or the creators of our world.
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| - We desire to help maintain order in the world. Those that breech the rules must be reported.
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| - We will not stand idly by while rules are broken. Suggestions will be given to our peers and our creators to settle problems. Problems that our order can overcome will be attempted.
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| '''Interested in joining?''' Email thesilverorder@yahoo.com or sign up in the [http://forums.themanaworld.org/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=8391 forums].
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| ==[http://therustybrazier.webs.com/ The Knights of the Rusty Brazier]==
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| In an effort to conquer the evil darkness, there is a small minority who seek the light and peace which have been cast from the land by the chaos which drains our spirits. In these times, the Knights the the Rusty Brazier rise to rid us of these demonic times, to save our souls from the sins of others, and, above all, to restore the calm and trustful lifestyle that is the open-source MMORPG... The Mana World! Formed during an evil experiment concocted by Herr Dokter Bjørn in 2009, the Knights aim to offer truth, and aim to offer guidance, and aim to offer rares, and aim to combat the forces of despair and agony that rage within the empty pits of our insides. With the honourable Game Masters, cherished by all, torn from us and cast screaming to the fiery depths of hell, we aim to offer integrity to the Mana World, and we aim to help players settle their petty disputes without needing the Game Masters, however much we in our ignorance believed we need them, and we aim to suggest to our creators - the God Almighty Developers Above, so help them - ideas for a better Mana World, and we aim to report transgressions against the rules of The Mana World.
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| The Code of Chivalry of the Knights of the Rusty Brazier:
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| - we aim to obey the rules
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| - we aim to make our members obey the rules
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| - we aim to report those that disobey the rules
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| - we aim to do something if anyone disobeys the rules
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| If you wish to join the Knights of the Rusty Brazier, email therustybrazier@yahoo.com or visit the [http://forums.themanaworld.org/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=8392&start=0 forums]. Encourage others to join and make teams for the Rusty Brazier Knights.
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