From The Mana World
(Forgot to fix a typo in my last edit -- 4144 was listed as being online 24/24, which suggests 24 hrs per day, 24 days per week (an obvious impossibility))
(removed page, and added redirect to ManaPlus Client)
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'''ManaPlus''' is an alternate client for playing [[Main_Page|The Mana World]]. As the "plus" indicates, it has features that were not in the original client, now called "[[Mana]]". It was formerly known as "''4144 patch''" or "''4144 client''" after the nickname of it's author: [[4144]]. It is updated on a very regular basis and has it's own multi-lingual wiki and download page at : Thus we will not describe all features it includes as you can find them there.
#REDIRECT [[ManaPlus Client]]
ManaPlus was forked off of the original "'''Mana'''" client and recently replaced it as the official client. However, it is '''not''' maintained by the TMW developers -- you should still contact 4144 for help, or ask a fellow player. Bugs and feature requests should still go to 4144.
When you find issues, bugs, or if you wish a new nice feature you can contact 4144 on:
* '''Manaplus site''':
* '''TMW Forum''' (Technical development): [|ManaPlus - Advanced tmw client (aka 4144 patch)]
* '''In game''': 4144 is logged almost 24/7 and you can whisper him by typing: "/w 4144 <your message>"
** If he is AFK, you'll see an auto-response. Don't worry, he still got your whisper.
* '''IRC'''[irc://| #manaplus]
[[Category:Client Development]]

Latest revision as of 13:26, 21 January 2016

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