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== Developers template project ==

<table style="width:300px; float: right;" class="wikitable">
<tr><th colspan="2">Quest  Developers</th></tr>
<tr><th colspan="2">Authors</th></tr>
<tr><th>Scenario</th><td> {{{Dev|None}}} </td></tr>
<tr><th>Programmation</th><td> {{{Dev|None}}} </td></tr>
<tr><th>Contributor(s)</th><td> {{{Dev|None}}} </td></tr>
<tr><th colspan="2">Graphic Artists</th></tr>
<tr><th>Maps</th><td> {{{Dev|None}}} </td></tr>
<tr><th>Tile graphics</th><td> {{{Dev|None}}} </td></tr>
<tr><th>NPCs</th><td> {{{Dev|None}}} </td></tr>
<tr><th>Items</th><td> {{{Dev|None}}}</td></tr>
<tr><th colspan="2">Sound</th></tr>
<tr><th>Sound fx</th><td> {{{Dev|None}}}</td></tr>
<tr><th>Music</th><td> {{{Dev|None}}}</td></tr>
<table style="width:300px; float: right;" class="wikitable">
<tr><th colspan="2">Developpeurs</th></tr>
<tr><th colspan="2">Auteurs</th></tr>
<tr><th>Scenario</th><td> {{{Dev|None}}} </td></tr>
<tr><th>Scripting</th><td> {{{Dev|None}}} </td></tr>
<tr><th>Contributeur(s)</th><td> {{{Dev|None}}} </td></tr>
<tr><th colspan="2">Artistes graphiques</th></tr>
<tr><th>Cartes</th><td> {{{Dev|None}}} </td></tr>
<tr><th>Décorations, textures</th><td> {{{Dev|None}}} </td></tr>
<tr><th>PNJs</th><td> {{{Dev|None}}} </td></tr>
<tr><th>Objets</th><td> {{{Dev|None}}}</td></tr>
<tr><th colspan="2">Son</th></tr>
<tr><th>Effets sonores</th><td> {{{Dev|None}}}</td></tr>
<tr><th>Musique</th><td> {{{Dev|None}}}</td></tr>
* [[Template:Quest dev]]
* [[Template:.Fr:Quest dev]]
* [[Template:.Es:Quest dev]]
* [[Template:.De:Quest dev]]
== Diseased Pinkies ==
=== background ===
At (rare) random times and for a limited (short) duration; an evil fluffy ("Grey Fluffy" or "mrgrey Fluffy" or "GM Fluffy" :) ) appears in Pinkie areas. It has a contagious disease which turns pinkies into "evil pinkies" (black, dark blue...) and spawns new ones (pinkies reproduce at a higher rate when they are sick). They are aggro, can poison, and hit much harder (comparable to green slimes) . They drop Black Antennas, Black Pinkie Hat, Black Pearls, Pink Pearls, dark-blue pearls....
Event stops when either evil fluffy is killed dropping a bunch of nice items (so players have also interest to stop event as items will be rares) or with time out.
The event could be also triggered by a player; killing sick Mouboo or cutting desert tree branch for instance or by a GM.
Sent to Jenalya. Discussed with Var about it.
<span style="color:purple;"><b>Gina's observation</b>: "First i need to think about, i am not sure if developers should play with Pinky genes";</span>
=== realization ===
An invisible NPC controls the event upon a random date (or on reception of a message?):
pseudo code:
at server start, initiate first random date: InfectionDate
On reception of DiseasedPinkieStart set InfectionDate to now
set FinishDate to InfectionDate + DurationToChoose                  /* DurationToChoose=30mn
if InfectionDate is greater than Now goto Disease_Later:
        spawn  InfectedFluffy( 1)
        Override map's script
        Turn Pinkies into DiseasedPinkies                            /* can be progressive if possible. Insert in temporized loop?
        If {mobcount (InfectedFluffy) <1} set DiseaseEradicated to true
        If Now >= FinishDate set DiseaseEradicated to true
        If DiseaseEradicated is true goto Disease_Finished
kill remaining DiseasedPinkies
Set InfectionDate to Now + random_time_interval                      /*statistics to be defined: specify mean and time range (Poisson distribution?)
goto Disease_Loop
=== Mobs ===
'''Infected Fluffy''' (InfectedFluffy)                             
: status:
: spawns DiseasedPinkies as Santaslimes spawns  (or similar)
: aggro
: poisons
: drops:Black Pearl( 50%),Black Fur (50 %),Black Fluffy hat (100 %)...
'''Diseased Pinkie''' (DiseasedPinkie)
: status: comparable to greenslimes or tougher with pinkies' characteristics
: aggro
: poisons
: drops:Black pearl ( %), Black antenna( %), Black Pinkie Hat( %), ...
'''first drafts by Var'''
graphics :[[File:Bluepinkie.png]][[File:Grayfluffy.png]]
(maybe i could do better but not atm :p i was thinking about a shining metallic pinky but uhmm might be weird)
i'm still working in the script.
Ciao :D
===Script by Var===
So far this is the code. i'll add more soon
008-1.gat,36,26,0  script  Andra  201,{
        mes "[Andra]";
  mes "\"Hello, my name is Andra, what's yours?\"";
  input @name$;
        mes "[Andra]";
  mes "\"Hello, " + @name$ + "! What is your favorite number?\"";
  input @num;
  if (@num == 5) goto L_Same;
        mes "[Andra]";
  mes "\"I don't like that one.\"";
  npctalk "Infection date, set to " + $@InfectionDate + " " + gettimetick(2);
        mes "[Andra]";
  mes "\"Mine too!\"";
//timer enabled each 1/2 minute
  //resetting the timer to enable the loop
  setnpctimer 0;
  //No infection date set? then init it
  if ($@InfectionDate == 0) goto L_InitInfectionTime;
  //infector spawned? then just do nothing
  if ($@Infector_spawned != 0) goto L_Pass;
  //Time to start of the infection?
  if ($@InfectionDate <= gettimetick(2)) goto L_StartInfection;
  //debug info
  set $@infectedleft, ($@InfectionDate - gettimetick(2));
  npctalk "Next infection in: " + ($@infectedleft) + " seconds.";
  //If the infection is already running then do nothing
  if ($@Infector_spawned != 0) goto L_Pass;
  //Start a new infection
  set $@Infector_spawned, 1;
  npctalk "An infected maggot appeared!!";
  areamonster "008-1.gat", 36, 26, 37, 27, "The evil maggot", 1002, 1, "Andra::OnInfectorDead";
  goto L_InitInfectionTime;
  //workaround to init again the infection and show a message of end of infection
  set $@Infector_spawned, 2;
  goto L_InitInfectionTime;
  set $@Infector_spawned, 0;
  npctalk "The infector died!!";
  //Min each half day
  set @Days, 1/2;
  set @Min_rand_time, 24 * 60 * 60 * @Days;
  set @Max_rand_time, 24 * 60 * 60 * @Days * 11/10;
  //remove the comment and the *debug* infection date for the release version
  //set $@InfectionDate, gettimetick(2) + rand(@Max_rand_time) + @Min_rand_time;
  set $@InfectionDate, gettimetick(2) + 60;
  if ($@Infector_spawned == 2) goto L_DeadMessage;
  set @Infector_spawned, 0;
edit: i find out that i miss one thing to make it work as you wish...........
that function will let a script to "order" mobs to use a certain skill (transformation in this case) so ...... there is another way to do it but it won't be the same thing as you wanted
1) ask to add that thing (i see it hard....)
2) change something in the event :s (but it will be turn just into another cindy quest thing)
huggies, V.
Non sprecare tempo con qualcosa ke è già belle che morto, lascia ke i cadaveri giokino nel loro piccolo ed inutile angolo di universo continuando a sognare ke sappiano fare ciò ke non sanno fare.
Me: The idea I had was that the diseased mob would turn pinkies to sick as it meets them. Now it has to be feasible. I don't know actually. Fun has priority one in my opinion.
In general opinion green is the color associated with poison and disease. blue-grey-metal color surprised me a bit but why not?
I think now that infector could have a particle effect. I thought about the potions effect but green and I found a funny unused
player glow in client data.
here are both:
(could be named: lime-violent-glow.particle.xml)
<nowiki>?xml version="1.0"?>
Green-ish particles that fly up to the sky; based on Crush's Soul Menhir effect.
  <particle position-x="0" position-y="0" position-z="0">
      <property name="position-z" min="16" max="48"/>
      <property name="vertical-angle" min="0" max="90"/>
      <property name="horizontal-angle" min="0" max="360"/>
      <property name="power" min="10" max="25"/>
      <property name="lifetime" value="1"/>
      <property name="output" value="1"/>
        <property name="gravity" value="-0.4"/>
        <property name="momentum" value="0.9"/>
        <property name="image" value="graphics/particles/gloworb-medium.png|W:#a0ff00"/>
        <!--lime color-->
        <property name="lifetime" value="25"/>
        <property name="fade-in" value="5"/>
        <property name="fade-out" value="20"/>
        <property name="output" min="0" max="1"/>
        <property name="output-pause" min="30" max="80"/>
        <property name="randomnes" value="200"/>
        <property name="gravity" value="-0.4"/>
        <property name="momentum" value="0.9"/>
        <property name="image" value="graphics/particles/orb-small.png|W:#a0ff00"/>
        <property name="lifetime" value="25"/>
        <property name="fade-in" value="5"/>
        <property name="fade-out" value="20"/>
        <property name="output" min="0" max="1"/>
        <property name="output-pause" min="30" max="80"/>
        <property name="randomnes" value="200"/>
color of prticle effect could be set to medium-dark grey if we intend to suggest pollution.
Now playerglow.particle.xml. I like the idea of the bat even if a vulture  would do it better :)
<nowiki><?xml version="1.0"?>
Proof of concept of animated stationary particle effects (a bat ) and some
orbiting yellow particles. Rather useless but could be used as a template for
more useful status effect particle effects.
  <particle position-x="0" position-y="0" position-z="64" lifetime="-1">
    <animation imageset="graphics/sprites/monster-bat.png" width="37" height="38">
      <sequence start="1" end="4" delay="50"/>
      <property name="position-x" min="-1" max="1"/>
      <property name="position-y" min="-1" max="1"/>
      <property name="position-z" min="0" max="0"/>
      <property name="power" min="0" max="3"/>
      <property name="vertical-angle" min="0" max="360"/>
      <property name="output" value="1"/>
      <property name="lifetime" value="60"/>
      <property name="fade-out" value="30"/>
      <property name="acceleration" value="0.1"/>
      <property name="momentum" value="0.998"/>
      <property name="image" value="graphics/particles/orb-medium.png|W:#a0ff00"/>
      <!--color changed from yellow to lime-->
--[[User:Nard|Nard]] 03:10, 19 June 2012 (CEST)
<u>New Idea</u>: The diseased pinkies could be healed with a spell (reward pink antenna and better experience). Maybe it is incompatible with infector's script.
--[[User:Nard|Nard]] 10:56, 19 June 2012 (CEST)

Latest revision as of 06:54, 8 July 2013