From The Mana World
m (moved User:Ali-G to User:Alige: Changed name.)
(7 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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{| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" align="center"
! style="background:#efdead;" | Info
! style="background:#efdead;" | Answers
|+ align="left" | [[Image:Ali-G.png|277px|thumb|center|[[User:Ali-G|<span style="color:#BF3DC8">'''My Characters''']]]]
| Role (Game)
| Developer (Mapper)
| Role (Wiki)
| Wiki SysOp
| Main Character's Name (Level)
| Ali-G (91)
| Languages spoken
| French, English, German
| Country
| France

I started playing The Mana World in the middle of year 2009 with a character named '''Ali-G'''. Few months later, in January 2010, another player named '''king''' changed my password and I lost contact with TMW for around one entire year because I was upset. I started all over again in October 2010 with a character named '''Napalm'''. I evolved quite quickly and became level 70 in 3 weeks. Jaxad0127 helped me get my old account '''Ali-G''' in January 2011. He was not deleted because the hacker was still playing with this character. I got back nearly all my old stuff!
"king" tried to scam other people using my account named '''Ali-G'''. This is why I want you to know that you can trust me now, I don't bite.
You can talk to me in game or via forum's private messages if you need help or anything else. Whisper me or send me an email on TMW using "/whisper" command or "/w AuctionBot !mail [Name]". In game, forum or wiki my name is Ali-G. I can help anyone who has questions.
==What I do on TMW==
First of all I play a lot with a lot of characters.
# Ali-G (level 91)
# Napalm (level 83)
# A,B,C,D,E and FNapalm (more or less level 60)
I am one of the most active wiki updater for now and do various updates here and there. I would like people to '''tell me''' if they find something wrong anywhere on any page of wiki. Thanks to all who already helped me keeping wiki updated.
On the forum, I answer some questions and report few bugs too. I also help people as much as I can. I can barely do pixel art and am mostly focusing on maps. I am a content developer.
==Adding Java==
* Open a terminal window.
* ''gksu /usr/bin/software-properties-gtk''
* Go to the '''Other Software''' tab.
* Add: '''deb hardy multiverse'''
* Close the window.
* ''sudo apt-get update''
* ''sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-jdk openjdk-6-jdk''
* ''sudo apt-get update''
* ''cd tools/tmwcon''
* ''ant''
* ''cd ../..''
* ''make tools/aligncsv''
* Close the terminal window.
==Things to Keep in Mind==
* Snow Area Extension.
* Push the FND graphics.
* Finish writing the WIP graphics wiki page.
* Mana Potions
* Finish the Spritesheet of the Death Hand.
* Finish the Spritesheet of the Whip.
* Finish the Broken Four-Leaf Amulet Icon.

Latest revision as of 08:12, 21 April 2013