From The Mana World
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* Ju jeni duke filluar lojën, Mirë se vini në'''Mana Botërore'''.  
* You are starting the game, Welcome to ''The Mana World'''.  
Para së gjithash, kur provoni për të lëvizur, Sorfina flet me ju. Ju mësoni 6 rregullat e '''rëndësishme''' të lojës 'të të cilat janë goxha të '''thjeshta''' për ti ndjekur:
First of all, when you try to move, Sorfina will talk to you. You learn 6 rules most '''imporatant''' of the game which are very simple to follow:
**1.Mos'''Nuk'''i abuzoni lojtarët e tjerë(sharje,kercënime,drejtuar një personi ose shumë personave)
**1.Do'not'abuse other players(insults,swearing,and the like directed to a particular person or persons.
**2.Mos rrini duket luftuar(kur ju nuk jeni larg nga tasatura juaj)kjo ështëe gjitha.
**2.No bots(and botting means ANY activity while away from keyboard)
**3.Mos përsërit fjalë/apo (edhe në trade mos e bëj).
**3.No spamming/flooding(include trade spam)
**4.Mos lype sene.
**4.No begging
**5.Flit vetëm anglisht në publikë.
**5.Spean English on public chat
**6.Trajtojë të tjerët në të njejtën mënyrë qe ti deshiron te trajtohesh
**6.Treat others the same way you would like to be treated.
* Ti je duke u zgjuar pasi barka jote u permbyt. Ti je ne Tulimshar. Sic mund ta shohesh, gjithqka edhe e thate, gjithqka eshte vjedhur pasi ti dole jashte.
* You have been waked up,after your boat collapsed. You are in Tulimshar. As you can see, your invertory is empty, everything has been stoled ,after you passed out.
* Pas informatave qe Sorfina ti jep, lart tephiut te kuq. Pasi je duke ecur, Sorfina te tregon ta hapesh nje arkë ne dhom dhe ta marresh Shiritin e Pambukut në të. Tani duhet ta vendosesh ate.
* After informations that Sorfina gives to you,try to move up at the red carpet. While you are walking, Sorfina tells you to open a chest in the room and to pick up a Cotton Shirt. You need to equip it now.
* Fol me Sorfinen pasi qe ta vendosesh Shiritin e Pambukut. Tani ajo do ti jep disa informat se ku je ti, etj. Dil nga shtepia dhe shiko perreth.
* Talk to Sorfina after you equip your Cotton Shirt. Now she's gonna give you some informations about where you are, etj. Get out the house and look around.


Revision as of 05:56, 6 August 2011

Quest Overview
Starting Location 042-2 North of Tulimshar
Level 1
Prerequisites None
Redoable No, only once


  • You are starting the game, Welcome to The Mana World'.

First of all, when you try to move, Sorfina will talk to you. You learn 6 rules most imporatant of the game which are very simple to follow:

    • 1.Do'not'abuse other players(insults,swearing,and the like directed to a particular person or persons.
    • 2.No bots(and botting means ANY activity while away from keyboard)
    • 3.No spamming/flooding(include trade spam)
    • 4.No begging
    • 5.Spean English on public chat
    • 6.Treat others the same way you would like to be treated.
  • You have been waked up,after your boat collapsed. You are in Tulimshar. As you can see, your invertory is empty, everything has been stoled ,after you passed out.
  • After informations that Sorfina gives to you,try to move up at the red carpet. While you are walking, Sorfina tells you to open a chest in the room and to pick up a Cotton Shirt. You need to equip it now.
  • Talk to Sorfina after you equip your Cotton Shirt. Now she's gonna give you some informations about where you are, etj. Get out the house and look around.


  • After having explored the area a bit, you'll enter a house where Tanisha is. Talk to her.
  • Tanisha gives you a knife and tells you to kill the maggots as training. Kill the 5 maggots. You will of course get some EXP (5 * 6 EXP) which are used to level up. Try increasing your strengh, vitality and dexterity at first. The intelligence will be used later, when you know a bit of magic.
  • Now that you are done, talk to Tanisha. She will tell you about few things such as status points, since you just leveled up.

A Start of Adventure

  • As you go east of Tanisha's house, you try to go pass Hasan, but he unfortunately stops you. Don't try to kill him, as you will probably die by doing this.
  • Talk to Kaan, and tell her about the maggots you've just killed. Also tell her that Hasan isn't letting you pass.
  • You now need to know what is Hasan's weakness. Come back to Tanisha and tell her everything about Hasan. She will tell you that he is awfully scared of scorpions.
  • Tell Kaan about the scorpions, and you will plot against Hasan. Talk to him and scratch your head as a signal. Kill the scorpion that has just appeared!
  • Talk to Hasan and he will give you a Sharp Knife for what you did. He proposes you to go to Tulimshar's bazar, you can accept.
  • You are now done with the Tutorial and you are free to explore The Mana World! Congratulations!


  • 30 EXP
  • 1 Cotton Shirt
  • 1 Knife
  • 1 Sharp Knife