From The Mana World

This special page shows all uploaded files.

File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
06:09, 12 July 2009 Equipment-hands-cottongloves.png (file) 599 bytes Gloves made of cotton. Dyable 1
06:18, 12 July 2009 Equipment-feet-boots.png (file) 553 bytes Reverted to version as of 04:08, 28 August 2007 3
06:19, 12 July 2009 Equipment-feet-cottonboots.png (file) 333 bytes Quality cotton boots, dyable 1
13:42, 12 July 2009 Equipment-chest-tanktop.png (file) 537 bytes Sleeveless shirt for hot summer days. Dyable 1
13:44, 12 July 2009 Equipment-chest-shorttanktop.png (file) 557 bytes Short, sleeveless shirt for VERY hot summer days. Dyable 1
13:46, 15 July 2009 Equipment-legs-assassinpants.png (file) 1 KB Pants for a master assassin. 1
13:50, 15 July 2009 Armor-legs-skirt.png (file) 692 bytes Reverted to version as of 13:50, 15 July 2009 5
13:52, 15 July 2009 Equipment-legs-cottonskirt.png (file) 692 bytes A skirt made of linen cloth. 1
09:41, 17 July 2009 Equipment-head-cottonheadband.png (file) 427 bytes Just a cotton headband. 1
16:01, 18 July 2009 Equipment-feet-assassinboots.png (file) 399 bytes Boots for a master assassin. 1
19:13, 18 July 2009 Equipment-hands-assassingloves.png (file) 763 bytes Gloves for a master assassin. 1
19:14, 18 July 2009 Equipment-chest-assassinshirt.png (file) 656 bytes Shirt for a master assassin. 1
19:19, 18 July 2009 Equipment-head-paperbag.png (file) 2 KB A paper bag with eye holes. 1
19:22, 18 July 2009 Equipment-head-mouboohead.png (file) 789 bytes A tightly fitting mouboo head. 1
19:22, 18 July 2009 Equipment-head-moubootaurhead.png (file) 701 bytes The Moubootaur's head. 1
19:27, 18 July 2009 Generic-jackosoul.png (file) 955 bytes The soul of a Jack O. 1
19:28, 18 July 2009 Equipment-charms-towel.png (file) 2 KB You can dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough. - Douglas Adams 1
19:29, 18 July 2009 Equipment-charms-fourleafclover.png (file) 877 bytes A lucky four-leaf clover. 1
19:30, 18 July 2009 Generic-druidtreebranch.png (file) 1 KB A branch cut off from the druid tree. It feels strangely leathery to the touch. 1
19:33, 18 July 2009 Generic-lifestone.png (file) 328 bytes A small crystal shard, warm to the touch. 1
19:34, 18 July 2009 Generic-wooden-mouboo.png (file) 1 KB A small, wooden figurine of a mouboo. 1
19:35, 18 July 2009 Generic-iten.png (file) 561 bytes An iten. 1
07:36, 19 July 2009 Use-food-cavesnakeegg.png (file) 632 bytes An edible cave snake egg. 1
07:37, 19 July 2009 Use-food-snakeegg.png (file) 731 bytes An edible snake egg. 1
07:37, 19 July 2009 Use-food-mountainsnakeegg.png (file) 732 bytes An edible mountain snake egg. 1
07:38, 19 July 2009 Use-food-grasssnakeegg.png (file) 738 bytes An edible grass snake egg. 1
08:00, 19 July 2009 Use-potion-mopoxcurepotion.png (file) 713 bytes A gooey brew with a vile smell, supposedly able to cure Mopox. 1
08:11, 19 July 2009 Equipment-head-deserthat.png (file) 602 bytes While the desert hat is perfect for sand storms, it won't help you much against a blow to the head. 2