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File list
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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
00:56, 22 September 2005 Player-character-full-sheet-talaroc.png (file) 34 KB newest version of the tileset which has been posted by talaroc on the forum 2
18:09, 1 October 2005 Woodland Map Guide Smalltree.png (file) 25 KB   1
18:11, 1 October 2005 Woodland Map Guide Grouptree.png (file) 22 KB   1
18:23, 1 October 2005 Woodland Map Guide Flowers.png (file) 20 KB   1
21:26, 1 October 2005 Woodland Map Guide Mountains.png (file) 88 KB   1
01:28, 4 October 2005 Woodland Map Guide Largetree.png (file) 14 KB   1
02:09, 4 October 2005 Woodland Map Guide HighgrassDemo.png (file) 50 KB   2
15:03, 6 October 2005 Woodland Map Guide Water Basic.png (file) 29 KB   1
15:04, 6 October 2005 Woodland Map Guide Water Objects.png (file) 29 KB   1
15:04, 6 October 2005 Woodland Map Guide Water Variant.png (file) 21 KB   1
02:55, 9 January 2006 Woodland Tileset.png (file) 259 KB   11
00:57, 6 March 2006 Player-sheet.png (file) 56 KB new version of the playerset 2
01:13, 6 March 2006 Female Male Compare.png (file) 4 KB Jetryls draft for the female spriteset 1
15:08, 6 March 2006 Hairstyle mohawk.png (file) 28 KB new version of mohawk hairset 2
18:26, 5 April 2006 Collision demo 1 bad.png (file) 57 KB   1
18:27, 5 April 2006 Collision demo 1 good.png (file) 55 KB   1
18:27, 5 April 2006 Demo 2.png (file) 5 KB   1
18:27, 5 April 2006 New collision.png (file) 4 KB   1
18:29, 5 April 2006 Collision demo 2.png (file) 5 KB   1
18:33, 5 April 2006 Collision demo 2 2.png (file) 998 bytes   1
15:35, 11 May 2006 Stairdemo.png (file) 7 KB   1
15:38, 11 May 2006 Stairtiles.png (file) 906 bytes   2
16:00, 11 May 2006 Nomonsters.png (file) 440 bytes   1
11:15, 13 May 2006 Femsprite1.png (file) 2 KB   1
11:15, 13 May 2006 Femsprite 2.png (file) 8 KB   1
11:15, 13 May 2006 Player female walkdown.gif (file) 6 KB   1
11:16, 13 May 2006 Player female walkdown withhair.gif (file) 6 KB   1
17:27, 6 August 2006 Woodlandplan.png (file) 81 KB   2
15:18, 21 August 2006 Maptutorial Overlayproperties.png (file) 9 KB Example for setting up 3 independent scrolling overlays in the Tiled map properties dialogue. 1
17:36, 27 August 2006 Screenshot Cloudfx.png (file) 504 KB Cloud shadow effect on woodland from SVN version August 2006 1
17:51, 27 August 2006 TMW Screenshot svn270806-expbar sandstorm.png (file) 728 KB Screenshot showing the new exp bar and the new sandstorm 1
22:30, 8 October 2006 Deserttown.png (file) 69 KB "town in the hole" by Modanung 1
22:31, 8 October 2006 Villageunderthesandartwork.jpg (file) 115 KB "town in the hole" by VxD 1
22:32, 8 October 2006 Temple6kf.jpg (file) 71 KB "village in the hole" orien 1
17:54, 4 December 2006 Spriteset-red-sweater-female.png (file) 37 KB   1
17:56, 4 December 2006 Spriteset-red-sweater-male.png (file) 33 KB   1
17:57, 4 December 2006 Spriteset-blue-sweater-female.png (file) 40 KB   1
17:58, 4 December 2006 Spriteset-blue-sweater-male.png (file) 39 KB   1
18:29, 4 December 2006 Spriteset-Chainmail-male.png (file) 48 KB   1
18:39, 4 December 2006 Spriteset-chainmail-female.png (file) 38 KB   1
05:43, 10 January 2007 Particleengine Screenshot 1.png (file) 353 KB WIP screenshot of the particle engine 1
00:38, 12 January 2007 Particleengine Screenshot 2.png (file) 211 KB WIP screenshot of the particle engine showing emitters emitting emitters. 1
22:10, 27 January 2007 Particleengine Screenshot 3.png (file) 71 KB Waterfall and swarm effect 1
14:50, 16 February 2007 Equipment-chest-chainmailshirt.png (file) 5 KB Item icon for chainmail 1
14:58, 16 February 2007 FemaleChainModified.png (file) 41 KB   2
20:42, 24 March 2007 Monster1.png (file) 10 KB   2
23:21, 15 June 2007 Armor-lightplatemail-female.png (file) 10 KB   1
23:22, 15 June 2007 Armor-lightplatemail-male.png (file) 9 KB   1
13:43, 21 June 2007 Equipment-chest-lightplatemail.png (file) 917 bytes   1
21:49, 5 July 2007 Recolor Screenshot 1.png (file) 620 KB An experiment with changing the colors of images at runtime 1
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