From The Mana World
(Redirected from Category)

This article is currently under construction.
Category structure is still being worked on. You can already find some goals and statuses in this page.

Please don't work with this page yet, thanks!

Cassy (talk) 08:32, 6 May 2015 (UTC)

Category organization

Categories help to group wiki pages which are related to each other so it's easier to find them and navigate through the wiki. Together with Templates this also makes maintaining and updating wiki content easier.

This wiki uses as few categories as possible but without making categories include too many pages. An example: the different Scorpion Stingers (Scorpion Stinger, Angry Scorpion Stinger, Red Scorpion Stinger, Black Scorpion Stinger) are grouped as Category:Generic Item. They could also be grouped as "Category:Scorpion Stinger" but with this practice the wiki will end up having too many categories.

Please do NOT add new categories to this wiki unless you discussed it with the team. In the past the wiki was flooded with unused or obsolete categories and thousands (!) of pages were rearranged to build a decent wiki structure. But of course feel free to suggest new categories or changes on old ones, either in the Talk page or in our general wiki discussion forum thread.


You can add a page to a category by adding this at the bottom of the page:

[[Category:Category name]]

So for example "[[Category:Player information]]".

Note: a lot of Templates automatically add a category to a page when they are used in one. For example when using Template:Useable Item in a page it will automatically add Category:Useable Item to it, so you should avoid adding that category a second time. Always check the templates you use, they are usually well documented.

Adding a link to a category works different. Since "[[Category:Category name]]" adds a page to a category without linking to it you need to add a ":" at the start, like this:

[[:Category:Category name]]

So for example "[[:Category:Player information]]" becomes "Category:Player information".

All categories

A list of all all categories can be found here: Special:Categories.

However, below listed are again all categories but also with explanation about what they are used for.

rEvolt Game Content Categories

Category Usage
Walkthrough Contains all the walkthrough pages. A walkthrough page tries to give the best order to finish all the quests in a certain area/level range. It is also gives a general overview of the story.
Quest Contains all the Quests pages. Quests are assignments given by In-game Characters. Quests can be done once, or be repeated. It is possible that certain quests can only done be during a specific time frame. This time frame should at least be repeated more than once per year. If the frequency is lower, it is an Event. When quests are given, they show up in the Quest window.
Events Contains all the Event pages. Events are 'quests' that can be only done during a specific time frame. Events can be hold annually or hold only once. If the frequency is higher it is a Quest. When Event quests are given, they may show up in the Quest window.
NPC Any character that is described on the wiki (as important character in the Gasaron History), described in-game, or is actually in-game.
Lore Character At any point of time the NPC cannot be found in-game at all.
In-game Character At some point players were able to interact or talk to this NPC, or at least were able to see his body in-game, I guess.
Event Character Only available during events
Shop In-game NPC that opens the shop window. Some NPC do not open a shop window, but repeatable buy/sell/trade items through talking, are also considered to be a shop.

Classic Game Content Categories

Category Usage Status
Category:Player information‏‎ Example to-do



  • to-do
  • to-do
  • to-do
Category:Magic Magic-related pages like Magic Quests or Spells completely finished
Category:Skill‏‎ All basic, magic and focus skills completely finished


  • Useable items like potions, food or towels
  • None-useable, collectable items e.g. for quests
  • Knives and other one-handed weapons
  • Staffs, Bows and other two-handed weapons
  • All ammo
  • All shields
  • Hats, helmets, glasses and other head armor
  • Sweaters, robes and other chest armor
  • Gloves and other arm armor
  • Trousers, skirts and other leg armor
  • Boots and other foot armor
  • All rings
  • All Charms

Status: Completely finished.

Please help updating these item pages according to Help:Item sample page:

Iced Water, Bandit Hood, Bone, Silk Cocoon, Rubber Bat, Realistic Brain, Jar of Blood,

Ice Cube, Monster Oil Potion


Casino Coins, Druid Tree Branch, Purification Potion, White Bell Tuber, Silk Sheet,

Lazurite Crystal, Mylarin Dust, Wolvern Tooth, Book Page, Diseased Heart, Leather Patch,

Empty Bottle, Reed Bundle, Yeti Claw, Wolvern Pelt, Silver Mirror, Lazurite Shard,

Heart of Lazurite, Sealed Soul, Soul, Lock Picks, Leather Shirt, Contributor Shirt, Silk Robe,

Desert Shirt, Turtleneck Sweater, Grimoire,

Tiny Mana Elixir, Small Mana Elixir, Medium Mana Elixir, Candy Cane, Xmas Candy Cane, Xmas Cake,

White Cake, Chocolate Cake, Orange Cake, Apple Cake, Cake, Cherry Cake, Cave Snake Egg,

Mountain Snake Egg, Green Apple, Paper Bag, Bunch of Parsley, Mouboo Head, Cat Ears, Santa Hat,

Ranger Hat, Goggles, Serf Hat, Graduation Cap, Cotton Headband, Desert Hat, Wizard Hat,

Bandana, Chef Hat, Christmas Tree Hat, Sunglasses, Rednose, Standard Headband, Knit Cap,

Fairy Hat, Noh Mask, Miner's Hat, Cave Snake Lamp, Beanie Copter, Fancy Hat, Infantry Helmet,

Knight's Helmet, Terranite Helmet, Candle Helmet, Crusade Helmet, Warlord Helmet, Bull Helmet,

Skull Mask, Pirate Hat, Yeti Mask, Pumpkin Helmet, Axe Hat, Murderer Crown, Pinkie Helmet,

Silk Headband, Eyepatch, White Rabbit Ears, Leather Goggles, Red Eggshell Hat, Circlet,

Heart Glasses, Nutcracker Hat, Santa Beard Hat, Bunny Ears, Top Hat, Snow Goggles,

Black Cowboy Hat, White Cowboy Hat, Eggshell Hat, Pan Hat, Shroom Hat, Magic GM Top Hat,

Christmas Elf Hat, Funky Hat, Mush Hat, Face Mask, Bowler Hat, Bowler Hat (Brown), Opera Mask,

Jester Mask, Witch Hat, Goblin Mask, Antler Hat, Developer's Cap, GM Cap, Beret, Elf Nightcap,

Red Dye, Yellow Dye, Light Blue Dye, Dark Green Dye, Green Dye, Pink Dye, Orange Dye, Black Dye,

Dark Blue Dye, Purple Dye, Ragged Shorts, Cotton Shorts, Cotton Skirt, Silk Pants, Miniskirt,

Cotton Trousers, Jeans Shorts, Leather Trousers, Jeans Chaps, Cotton Gloves, Black Rose,

Silk Gloves, Winter Gloves, Red Rose

(Changes log until 16th May)

Category:Monster‏‎ Monster Reference and all monster pages to-do


  • NPCs that sell items in their shops
  • All other NPCs


  • to-do
  • to-do
Category:Geography‏‎ Locations like continents, cities or caves to-do

Development Categories

Wiki Categories

To be edited

